"Absolutely reliable" - Ralf's show this Friday (09/12)

Hello dear Reeflings,

This Friday Ralf is performing his solo show “Absolutely reliable” in theater Tinnenpot in Ghent.

Here’s an article about the show: Ralf Wetzel & Lee Delong @ the Brighton Fringe | Mumble Theatre

Would anybody be interested to go together?


Sounds like a great idea but unfortunately I won’t be available this Friday.

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Seems like George is getting popular. Here’s a list with more dates:


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Thank you all soo much Lie, for posting this! We had a wonderful time in Gent. I’ll be posting the ticket links for the Brussels and Leuven shows as soon as I have them. Thanks again! :star_struck:


For those who are interested: https://bizousite.appspot.com/showFullEvent?id=1674297378290&idRelation=1674297794539

I know of a couple of Reeflings who will be going, so don’t hesitate to join us!

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