Acknowledging EU funding and project logos in communication materials

According to the Grant Agreements we signed, we are obliged to follow some rules when it comes to communication in the framework of these both ongoing projects: NGI Forward and POPREBEL.

As some events of the upcoming Festival are financed through one of these two projects, here is the information on how to communicate and acknowledge the EU funding. This is also valid for any other situation when it comes to dissemination or communication activities. Official information can be found here.

Unless the Commission requests or agrees otherwise or unless it is impossible, any dissemination of results (in any form, including electronic) must:

  1. display the EU emblem (download here) and

  2. include text and logos as follows:

    • For NGI Forward:

      This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825652.

      In addition use the official logo of the project when possible:

      and also the logo pointing out it is part of the NGI Initiative:

      An example of the use can be found on the website.

    • For POPREBEL:

      This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 822682.

      In addition use the official logo of the project when possible:

  3. In addition, any dissemination of results must indicate that it reflects only the author’s view and that the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

If a beneficiary breaches any of its obligations, the grant may be reduced.

The best (and the easiest) is to put all the texts and logos as per the above requirements together into one visible place. For example in the case of a project or event website, put them into the footer area. For flyers or similar communication material, try use the logo(s) when possible.

If you have any questions, post them here.

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Ok will add the forward logo as well.

Thanks Marina, that makes it pretty clear now!

I updated some formatting, converted your @mentions to invites to this topic, and moved it to our documentation category. Also I edited one section for clarity, according to my understanding of the matter. Please have a look if the change is correct:

Your original version:

Version now:

Also could you clarify what “results” means in the following … in my understanding any content created within the project is a “result”. Which would mean we also have to include that disclaimer into the project categories on, for example?


Yes. The best would be to include this under “about the project” at the very end.
Thank you Matt!

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Would it also be ok with a translated phrase - so I could use it in Polish for the Polish event page? Or maybe both, if you want to preserve this phrase as well?

It is enough to use the English phrase, but if you want you can find the equivalent in Polish. On the participant portal the Horizon 2020 manual is only in English, but every country has its national contact points and their websites should contain all the information related to communication. This is the Polish one: