What are you taking away from the collaborathon?
- New relationships, confidence about team building for my mission
- The importance of synergy of who would be viable to work with
- Taking away a brighter vision of my project
- Greater appreciation of the importance of sharing with different people
- I was suprised by the prevalence of philosophical beliefs and belief systems which could be considered magical or at least un-critical thinking.
- The brainstorming and compiling that happened was great, although I expected a more explicitly collaborative process structure beyond the warm data lab.
- Getting nuggets of useable info, and mapping where people are at. I feel at home.
What are you learning?
- Greater awareness of contrast between prosocial/openly engaging and antisocial/closed non-engaging personalities and behaviours.
- The need for elegant structures and wise respectful leadership to facilitate and enable psychological safety, curiosity, and creativity in the service of collaborative potentials.
- greater conviction that we need to stop reinventing the wheel and build a cohesive culture that embodies the fundamentals we all know about already.
- benefits of NGO vs non profit.
- The way forward is not intuitive. I’m learning (deepening) aligning multiple perspectives to improve my project.
Reflections? Where does it go from here? How do you want to continue? What are you curious to explore next?
- continue some of the conversations to explore collaboration/team-building
- I would like to find out what Edgeryders actually enables, although I - and by extension my project - don’t feel particularly seen, welcomed, respected, or invited to engage further by the local hosts or Edgeryder representative, for whatever reason. This is OK, but hardly inspires me irresistibly to engage further.
- there are several further meetings agreed, both for exploration and for specific agreed outcomes
- organise collaborative events specifically for my project to concentrate focus, energy, power, and collective enthusiasm specifically on my One Thing.
name: Interviewee - Adam. Interviewer Jacob. Recorder Steffen.