Add info and a nice image to the group

Natalia, could you please beautify the Future Makers Nepal project page? You should add:

  1. One paragraph of description.
  2. How to get in touch with you guys for people who want to help (there are already a couple of them out there).
  3. A nice photo. 

The project page is the home page of any Edgeryders project, and should be curated. You could also do more sophisticated things (like panelize the page for heavy customization), but it is probably not worth it at this stage. Thanks!

Alberto, check if that’s good enough;)

Project logo!

No, there is a mistake. You should upload an image using the “project logo” field. This is for display in the Projects page (one of the most frequently visited in the whole website). You should not use a complicated photo with too many details, but something that makes sense when visualized in a small format. When you are done, check out how it looks in the Projects page.

