Add track proposal, add task, add tool


on this page you can see tracks & track proposals. But you cannot add your own. A button to do this would be great

on this page you can see tasks but you cannot add your own. A button to do this would be nice.

on this page you can see tools but you cannot add your own. A button to do this would be nice

Tech hint

The way to create a “Create Task” button is to link the button to

For adding tools and wikis the link would be However, a special taxonomy tag has to be added as well to distinguish between tools and tracks. Maybe that’s possible by setting the taxonomy-field to be pre-populated from the URL GET parameters, as done for the og_group_ref field already.

I added the button to Tasks view.

For the other 2 someone on Drupal pages suggests a pattern like “[field_content_roles][und]=Tool” but it’s not exactly working…