After the Festival Co-design sessions - Shared Engagement Strategy

Hi all,

Thanks to those who could join!

HERE is a shared folder containing the POPREBEL Engagement Strategy for collecting the stories and organising the event. It also includes templates you can use, some visuals and the two zoom video/audio recordings of the session. Feel free to leave comments and make suggestions in the Strategy document.

We coordinate here to discuss what we are learning and how you will each move forward:

  1. What is a good place around which you can convene people to share their stories? a place around which many people pass or spend time in. It could be a neighborhood, a pub, a church, a hospital, an open ‘office’ in the field. That could be the starting point for collecting deep stories, ‘portraits’ of people who you would then engage repeatedly to understand their own story better, to help them create accounts on the platform, to have them join the event and meet one another.
  2. The format of what you want to do. How you can get people to interact with you in that place and get a conversation going. How to record that story?
  3. What support do you need from the rest of us?
  4. Anything you want to share to keep the rest of the team updated.

See you online and live in the regular Wednesdays 6 PM calls!


@zveljko confirmed he will join us this Wednesday. Perhaps @jasen_lakic can join too?

That way, we can discuss how to build the Serbian community a bit!

Headsup: if you’re making videos, graphic design, or need images, logos or others for organising events: in the folder with the strategy you can find a folder called: Visual Materials. Use or remix them!.
Anything else you need, please ask.

cc @jasen_lakic @TamaraVuk @natalia_skoczylas @kuba_svehla @AskaBednarczyk.

Important notes:

  • The POPREBEL logo used by the university partners is not mandatory. Instead, you can use the trees that we use for the community (Wellbeing in Europe - Edgeryders). Uploaded in the folder.
  • The Edgeryders logo is the orange one. Uploaded in the folder.
  • The EU flag below needs to be included in communications together with the statement below:
    (also uploaded in the folder)

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 822682