AMA - On the smart city with Bas Boorsma and Gordon Feller

Agree Gordon. Point still is the USA alone has 50K people die from traffic accidents. It simply is an arena where things can be improved massively. Its an old argument but it still stands

some of these bigger companies have suffered from a lack-of-listening to their potential customers - who sit inside City Halls or in the agencies out in the field (like the waste managers who are trying to make resource-recovery a success in their cities). the big companies lack relevancy b/c their collations are often clunky, expensive, and they’ve underperformed after overpromising.

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that sounds very interesting

Bas and I have done lots of projects aimed at the future of work. in my case I’m interested in what’s different about some city’s approach that can be found useful by other cities…thus the thinking behind this event, which I hope you can join: Place Matters: How Cities Can Compete in the Next Future of Work Paradigm

April 21, 2021 Webinar

On April 21, 2021, at 10am PDT, Meeting of the Minds convened a free, live webinar featuring Sean Audian, City Innovation Lead for the City of Wellington City Council (New Zealand), as well as Desmond Dickerson and Robert H. Brown of the Cognizant Center for the Future …


Tough one. Simplistic calculations as how remote work will directly help green work are exactly that: simplistic. The complexity of a sizable system of workers, commuters translates into lots of uncertainty as to how much greener it all ends up being. Havina culture of smart work has to coincide with rules and regulations, pricing of physical transport, employers rethinking the use of the old office… Design thinking needed.

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According to the latest eu envoronmental agency report the circularity of the economy is less than 17 percent.

there have been some notable CE successes in cities where few people are looking…one example here: [

The Circular Experiment - Smart Cities case studies - Austrade › building-and-construction
](Austrade news | Austrade)

The Circular Experiment, Australia’s lead circular economy company, selected Ocean Street in the CBD of the Sunshine Coast for their flagship pilot project.

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There must be so much low hanging fruit.

the key has always been to successfully get past the pilot phase!

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That’s good! What are the other notable cases? :grinning:

This is, IMHO, because the City Fathers (James Blish cultural reference here) have slapped some GPS-enabled electric scooter on top of the existing architecture optimized for the car. What they should have done is rethink the whole thing, and re-prioritize.

Imagine getting rid of the cars; using half the width of the streets for recreation (broader walkways, linear green spaces, cafés etc.); and the other half for bikes and scooters. At this point, the danger of traffic to senior citizens (or anyone) is much reduced, because at worst you are hit by someone weighing 80 kg on a 10 kg scooter at 30 kmh, instead by a SUV weighing 1,400 kg doing 50kmh. Given E = MV^2, that is a 2 orders of magnitude reduction in impact!


look closely at the US city of Alexandria, located next door to Washington DC…check this out:


avoiding death by pilots…

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as an overactive eater I can see the be3neifts, which is what we’re doing here in San Francisco: [

SF Mayor Says Restaurants Can Take Over City Sidewalks … › san-francisco-outdoor-dining-resta…
](SF Mayor Says Restaurants Can Take Over City Sidewalks, Parking Spots, and Streets - Eater SF)

May 26, 2020 — The recent wave to allow bars and restaurants to take over city streets has hit San Francisco today, as SF Mayor London Breed has announced …


Start out with purpose to then reverse engineer to Proof of Value and then back to Proof of Concept. This allows for DNA of replicability and scalability to become part of your pilot from day one.

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AND, now a year later, they’ve moved from sidealk into the street itself.

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Hybrid space use, 15 minute neighborhoods: rethinking public space

this resource from Bas is a great one for us all. another one to consider using is this one: [

COVID-19 Presents an Opportunity to Build Back Stronger Cities › covid-19-presents-an-o…

Feb 1, 2021 — The Thriving Cities Initiative, part of C40 Cities, is working with Philadelphia, Amsterdam, and Portland, Oregon to pilot COVID-19 recovery efforts as an opportunity to innovate and build back a healthier, more sustainable, and resilient city.

Dear all: I’m going back to my class now, but if the discussion continues I’ll be happy to answer/debate later on. For now: thank you!

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