Ambidextrous and transcendent

Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.”

The only real valuable thing is intuition.” (Albert Einstein)

As far as I can remember, I have asked myself what is the mind, what is the body, what is the exact nature of reality, but more importantly, what I am doing here, where do I come from, and where am I going. NONE OF THIS IS TAUGHT IN SCHOOL. Yet, these are the most important things that one can learn in life. The rest is so not important that my memory immediately clears it. In the Art history university program, I was unable to remember dates and names of works of art. Everything had to be memorized, and I found it was ridiculous. With much effort, I managed to retain enough to pass the tests. But as soon as it was over, I forgot the information.

I wandered in the educational system, from the beginning till the end. In first grade, I was already bored to death, and instead of focusing on what the teacher said, I spent my time observing with detachment my remaining years of education until university. I was six years old.

In 1st grade, I was also fighting between the teacher and my parents, because I preferred writing with my left hand, and was ordered to use my right hand. “Why cannot I use the hand that I want?”, I kept wondering. After all, this is MY hand and that is MY brain. Why cannot I do what pleases me with my own body? Adults had no explanations for this. I had to comply, it was the rule. Very early in life, I was faced with an excess of rigidity of systems. Each time, I responded by transcendence.

They refused me to be left-handed (ie being myself)? I became ambidextrous. I found the compromise and applied this formula to pretty much everything.

I knew, from as long as I could remember, that I am not just a skin encapsulated ego in a container of flesh and bones. I spent most of my life trying to learn, adjust and live in another reality.

One thing I learned over the years  - THIS IS NOT TAUGHT IN SCHOOL - is that perception, what I see, hear, touch, taste, and smell, is the least reliable test of what reality really is. The senses give us a distorted view. Therefore, what should we think of what is taught in school? Our current understanding is that the world is made up of matter that exists in space and time, and that our human bodies are nothing other than bits and pieces of matter.

Even though we have developed highly sophisticated educational systems, it does nothing to help us understand who we are and what happens to us in life.

I caught a cold.” “I can not stop scratching, my body is covered with a rash.” “When I got up this morning, my hip was locked and I do not understand where it comes from." “My knees are worn and I’ll have to get surgery." “I had an accident, I broke my leg.” I listen to people talk about their illnesses and injuries. In the majority of cases, they understand nothing of what happens to them. BECAUSE THIS IS NOT TAUGHT IN SCHOOL. Most of the time, I explain (in my head) what are their life conditions that probably led to their current health condition, and I usually tell them none of this, because I know they would not understand anyway. When people get sick, they go see a doctor, an “expert”, who spent x number of years in school and got x number of degrees. We are expected to trust our lives to these people, because they supposedly have magic bullets for the treatment of illness. If you can’t sleep at night. No problem. There’s a sleeping pill. It will cure your insomnia. If you are feeling anxious. There is a tranquilizer. It will give you tranquillity. If you have an infection. There is an antibiotic. It will cure the problem of your infection. Etc. These relieve symptoms, they camouflage them, while the underlying process remains UNCHANGED.

We do this with our own health.

Do we apply another formula to cure problems of larger systems? Not really.

Something is wrong! Education systems and their contents do not allow us to alter the overall expression of disease in population, or to alter the deeper problems of our society. It merely changes their expression. The overall picture does not change because the model that has been structured (of the human body, of reality, etc.) is not the correct model.

Science is discovering that we are a thinking body, ie that every cell thinks. Every cell is a mind. Every cell has its own desires and communicates with every other cell. We have a body-mind simultaneously everywhere. If we project this to a larger scale, every citizen thinks for himself/herself, every citizen has his/her own desires and should be able to connect to All, and collaborate to processes.

With the open government philosophy and possibilities offered by new technologies, it becomes possible to apply this scientific new finding to governance.

In conclusion, what I needed to learn in life, the important stuff, I never learned it from school.

What I need to learn now, the important stuff, that will help me in my personal and professional, this knowledge does not exist yet. There is no open government school. There is no Kundalini school.

I will be able to contribute, for instance, by helping to create a database of Kundalini experiences. I can also help in shaping a different model of leadership based on something else but the perception of separate self, that could be useful to improve the relationship between a government and its citizens (via transparence, participation and collaboration).