An article about the Edgeryders community

Write a convincing one page article on what the Edgeryders community does, why it’s so good for individual members and how they can get involved with us.

First stream of conscious concerning task 1.

  1. Do we want to involve people with money, who could sponsor/finance/support the work of Edgeryders by this post as well? Community is something else than company, but it still does have needs. In this case maybe it would be good to produce two slightly different articles of the same size that would address these groups. Where will they be used? (this will give us a hint).

  2. I believe this/these article(s) should contain information about “projects” (I hate this word, I need to think of a satisfactory replacement) of Edgeryders- and because the amount of ongoing activities is huge, some of them have to be stressed. I believe that UnMonastery can serve as a great representation of tackling the issue of economical struggle and compromising it with useful work/progress/change. LOTE is extremely important as some kind of alternative to intense meeting based project/funding culture we live in, showing that more effects can be achieved, without wasting money, thanks to better planning and right people included, philosophy involved. And then? I really don’t want to decide just by myself;)

Here comes the first version I’ve drafted. Any comments? Too general, too abstract? Convincing?:wink:

Occupy the Edge

Are you tired of scratching the surface? Do you want to take a peak and react to things that exist below it? You might have just found the right place for it.

There are different ideas people are being fed with lately - most of which transform them into passive links of the consumerism chain. We do believe none of us has to be the final recipient of whatever is done wherever else - here your skills are not only an object of a constant improvement, but also a source of a vital change from the bottom, that will emanate and transform the social realm around us.

Edgeryders look for what can be done on the edge of the given - it is a virtual space gathering real actions in any field, from agriculture to hacking, through art and urban planning. It is the political, the social, the economical, and the general human condition that is at the heart of our concern. We want things to become different. We want our world to become better. And no, this time it’s not an empty promise and another waste of time and energy consuming project. We offer you incentive and means to take action in what you see as inevitable, important, enriching.

Living on the edge means you give up some comforts, traditional schemes, routines and replace it with a bigger picture - a view of

What we have for you? An organised space which enables all sorts of communications, exchanges, work, meetings and exchanging - and a space that is not defined and determined, but remains a tool for negotiation, improvement and change. That’s in your hands. Then, we have a serious bunch of dedicated people with backgrounds you didn’t even dream of before - and yes, once you join, you might get them on board, or join them in their struggle. Finally, there is a whole set up of events, actions and research facilitating further involvement, helping shaping the directions and having the potential of bearing new, radical, alternative, strange, important ideas - LOTE, unMonastery, Edgecamp, Spot the Future just to mention a few.

Edgeryders is an operational space of vast possibilities - what is already there is just a starting point. We want you to come by, take a look, think of your interests and priorities, and start collaborating. It is a multinational, diverse incubator of projects, programs, communities who strive for real action and struggle with getting it funded. Your edge-cutting project has big changes to ripe here in all aspects you always expected to be missing, and those you never imagined at all.

People eager to compromise meaningful, important work with sustainable lifestyle - you found the exact place for you. Now start digging up your own meaning of the edge.

Second version

This is the place where we will take you close to the point of the things.

There are different ideas people are being fed with lately - most of which transform them into passive links of the consumerism chain. We do believe none of us has to be the final recipient of whatever is done wherever else - here your skills are not only an object of a constant improvement, but also a source of a vital change from the bottom, that will emanate and transform the social realm around us. You invest, you gain, you grow with us.

Edgeryders look for what can be done on the edge of the given - it is a virtual space gathering real actions in any field, from agriculture to hacking, through art and urban planning. It is the political, the social, the economical, and the general human condition that is at the heart of our concern. We want things to become different. We want our world to become better. And no, this time it’s not an empty promise and another waste of time and energy consuming project. We offer you incentive and means to take action in what you see as inevitable, important, enriching.

Living on the edge means you give up some comforts, traditional schemes, routines and replace it with a bigger picture - a view of

What we have for you? An organised space which enables all sorts of communications, exchanges, work, meetings and exchanging - and a space that is not defined and determined, but remains a tool for negotiation, improvement and change. That’s in your hands. Then, we have a serious bunch of dedicated people with backgrounds you didn’t even dream of before - and yes, once you join, you might get them on board, or join them in their struggle. Finally, there is a whole set up of events, actions and research facilitating further involvement, helping shaping the directions and having the potential of bearing new, radical, alternative, strange, important ideas - UnMonastery, which is an embodied alternative life and space for free creative spirit existing in Matera, Lote - series of edge-cutting events tackling the ways of life on the edge, its sustainability, practicalities and philosophies, Edgeryders platform, a virtual soil for these radical things to happen, Maker Fox - application that allows you to omit the traditional economical system and jump into moneyless transactions. There is the community company, where traditional business is linked with alternatives, and there are experienced public speakers who travel across the globe to spread the news and the ideas.

Edgeryders is an operational space of vast possibilities - what is already there is just a starting point. We want you to come by, take a look, think of your interests and priorities, and start collaborating. It is a multinational, diverse incubator of projects, programs, communities who strive for real action and struggle with getting it funded. Your edge-cutting project has big changes to ripe here in all aspects you always expected to be missing, and those you never imagined at all.

People eager to compromise meaningful, important work with sustainable lifestyle - you found the exact place for you. Now start digging up your own meaning of the edge.

Your 1st point

So you are working on such an article? I think it comes down to making a strong case on why potential newcomers into the community could find a valuable space by becoming an active part of the network. It’s about what one takes out of it but also what support is needed to keep the community infrastructure going: management, platform, events, social media and so on.

Have you, Natalia, given yourself an answer to that? You are someone who has been involved in the past and are now coming back for more, so there must be something to it :slight_smile:

I would love to help in any way i can, but somehow I feel I already know the story too well and throughout our communications we keep making the same assumptions about readers. not that it would be wrong, but I’m guessing there’s freshness beyond that and looking forward to read it through other eyes.

replies and comments

Great first attempt, I feel you captured the underlying intentions and vibe which at least I rarely put into words. To answer your questions

  1. I think there is a difference between investing in a scene/network and individual projects/activities/outcomes. I use the term investing in rather than supporting because I would like everything we do to be generating outcomes and results that people want and value enough to commit personal resources to have access to. So the two versions I think should be pitching  different things and asking specific things of the reader. The article will be the first thing a new visitor to the website and various social media accounts reads about Edgeryders.

  2. Projects/areas of activity to highlight are: UnMonastery,Lote, Building and improving the edgeryders platform, sc4sv/maker fox, the Edgeryders swarmcomms agency, the community company and market activism, Edgeryders public speakers.

Moved this away from the Dev/Tech group


Ok I think the second version looks good and ready to share with the rest of the community to ask them if they feel something needs to be added, removed or clarified. The way you do this is by creating either a wiki or a post and copy pasting your text into it.

In the editor you are asked which groups you want the wiki to belong to. I suggest adding it to: the Edgeryders Agency.

Ready to take on the Edgeryders company article?

Second one

This company is unlike anything else.

The services we offer have been hammered during years of community building focused on what happens at the edge of social, economical, political realm - highly talented, innovative people from all around the work formed a network and created tools for change. In an constant, ongoing process.

Edgeryders is new knowledge - based on needs and experience of people striving to make lives better. Living on the Edge happens annually and brings people together - the results are in the projects, startups, networks and new activities. We are oriented towards real outcomes. We teach skills. We learn. We make things happen. LOTE consists of hackers, innovators, entrepreneurs, diversity. 10 years of experience in building a common space and exchange platform is thick both for the community building, but also for the solutions that were developed and integrated in our society, making it a successful strive.

The company offers you access to our online assets, such as social software, vibrant community, monitoring and analysis, content production and creation as well as trainings for community managers. Years of experience managing international community and working for institutions such as UNDP, Global Challenge, Council of Europe and European Commission brought us to a point of excellence and expertise: we give you the best you can get. We bring you right to the problem, and we find the most friendly, socially concerned and profitable solutions, right out of the box. There is the individual, the creative, the innovative, the bright in what we see and provide you.

Edgeryders is also about software, coding and advanced technological solutions. Among our services you find Online Ethnography research and analytic software forwarding it, network analysis software and open source social software. However abstract - the key is the openness and range of skills.

Most important, the social concern is our main concern. We address the most burning issues nowadays are the core points in our agenda: climate change, youth unemployment, social innovation (and access to it) - experimenting with alternative forms of housing and working conditions brought us to Matera for example, where edge-cutting unMonastery took its shape, bringing innovative minds into a dialogue with local communities - which result in advanced, collaborative social space planning, meditations, exchange, new economical models, sustainable agricultural projects, etc. There is an important connection of knowledge being transferred from our annual meetings (LOTE) to the daily activities of Edgeryders community in any form. This is the point where innovation flows, talents meet, ideas are being brought to ripeness - you can be part of that change.