An Update and a Need for Time

Hi everyone,

As most of you know, I’ve been dealing with COVID for the past few weeks, which I have still not recovered from, and I have experienced a very difficult personal loss. I need some time to recover both physically and emotionally.

As a result, I am going to be taking as much time off as possible until next year. Practically, this is what this means as I see it:

@nextgenethno, we have discussed this a bit. @Leonie, please take point on AMA organisation and @katejsim please take point on code review. Of course both of you will do both kinds of work, but this is just to ensure that there is a clear person in charge of making sure this happens collectively.

@rebelethno, please also continue to code and do code review. Please reach out to @alberto if you want to ask for more visualisations and to organise the Tulip tutorial. For the interview process, it is clear we need to push out the call for Czech and German ethnographers as we have not yet found someone suitable. @Richard, I am OK to interview the German candidate we have with you. @Jirka_Kocian I think we need to keep looking for Czech candidates. @Wojt and @Jan, please interview other Polish candidates if we need to, but do try to reach out to Mania asap and get that started since she is the obvious candidate.

@hugi, @nadia, @noemi, @alberto, @matthias, @johncoate – I do want to continue board onboarding before the new year, this is something I think I can manage and is necessary. I just got an email saying my Estonian e-residency was approved and will be available for pickup sometime in the next 2-5 weeks. I’ll let you know when that happens, but in the meantime am happy to join a board meeting if we can schedule one soon.

@marina, we can talk about 10-2 separately/on an ongoing basis. I think given what we discussed last week, it won’t be hard for me to sit in on the Tuesday meetings as it unfolds, given that most of the other partners are behind us in conceptualising their place in the consortium and writing up. I’ve also already let Filippos know about the situation and he has our writeup, so I think that is all stable for now.

@alberto, I will work on the white paper if I can, but it is hard to say whether I will be in a place to do it soon. I’ll definitely need a week or two first.

Thank you all for your understanding - stay well and be in touch if you need anything.


As I said, your well-being takes priority. No stress at all from my end.

no worries Amelia, and thanks for this.
I hope everything will get better soon. Sending some positive energy your way…

Sorry to hear that it has hit you so hard.

Just let me know when you’re up to interviewing the German candidates. Mondays, Tuesday and Fridays are usually the best days for me.


Hello Amelia, all understood, thank you for the update. I hope things will get better soon. If you would have by any chance a moment to share your tip for the ethnographer candidate you once mentioned to me, I would be very grateful. But I will keep looking, J.

Just go ahead and plan it and I’ll be there — any day but tomorrow is free. Thank you x

How about this Friday at 12.00 for Irina and 12.30 for Djan?

Take the time you need. This must be terrible. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

For the potential worldbuilding application that might involve OII, I could write it and do all the work involved - but seeing that OII would be the official partner, would you still be available to look at it and sign off?

Thanks dear, I hope you can recover soon. So sorry for your loss, cannot even begin to imagine what it does to your mental state. As if it wasn’t going hard enough…

Dear @amelia Please take care of yourself! Sending as much positive energy I can muster. And please do not worry - we will work on everything. We are scheduled to talk to Mania tomorrow. Hugs, Jan

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I took my time to write this, I never know what to say when people go through heavy stuff.
I’ll just say that I wish you all the best, @amelia, take good care of yourself for as long as necessary and more.
From Poland with love


Hi @amelia, very sorry to hear you have been unwell and went throught difficult times and loss. I wish you to completly recover soon. I have plans for working together :smile:!

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