Another open source tool, Talkyard

@hugi wrote:

Another open source tool could be Talkyard: (GitHub repo here. I’m developing it.)

It reminds of the software in use here (Discourse). And,

  • There’re “Instant-answers” features, helping you directly find good answers to questions.
  • There’re “Choose the right ideas” features: Good reasons for and against an idea, surface to the top, in a discussion. You can see if others disagree about something.
  • There’re Slack like chat channels (so won’t need to setup a chat separately).

If you have any thoughts or feedback, it’d be interesting to hear?

Since I’m developing Talkyard, maybe I can make improvements / changes based on any feedback.


B.t.w. if there’s a list somewhere with open source tools you’ve found, it’d be interesting to have a look :slight_smile: ? (in addition to Autopo, Loomio and Discourse which have been mentioned already. — What was Autopo b.t.w.? it’s website,, doesn’t work. Is it the same as


Hey @KajMagnus! Thanks for the tip. Participio will have a more updated collection of resources soon. For projects added to the Participio collection it will be important to show actual stories and use cases, particularly from participatory culture. Where has Talkyard been used so far?

Hi @hugi. Most of the Talkyard users are currently startups. (And bloggers, Talkyard also works as a Disqus alternative.) There’re some teams within a larger enterprise that use Talkyard for internal question-answers / support.

A school uses Talkyard so their students (who learn software development) can post questions and get help from each other and the teachers. Maybe that’s the most relevant use case, for Participio? Their community is self hosted and requires login, so I don’t have access to it. I could ask them to describe in more detail how they use it.

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