Applying for full membership (autumn 2023)

Hi @reeflings !

The time has arrived, or is rapidly approaching, for those Reeflings who joined the project after the public presentations before the summer to decide on whether to take the next step of applying for full membership. This has implications for both current Associate Members and current Full Members.

For @reef-associate members :

Becoming a Full Member of The Reef is not a decision to be taken lightly. First of all because in essence it’s about investing your life-time savings into a real estate project, and second because we’re a self-managed group, which means that you’ll become a partner who will be expected to contribute their fair share.

You will also have full decision-making rights as we move forward into the next exciting phase of the project. Additional rights for Full Members (that we already decided on) include the possibility to be a member of the Board, voting on whether we’ll purchase a certain site and priority in choosing your unit or lot (i.e. the sooner you become a Full Member, the higher up in the list you’ll be).

We know from experience that this is an important life decision that is preferably only taken with enthusiasm and confidence. For this reason, we encourage everyone to keep in contact with your buddy (or buddies) and also meet with two other Full Member, to discuss the project both in terms of any questions or concerns you may have, and to share your personal relationship with the project so far.

There is a new manual with a checklist of things to do when joining The Reef, which can be found here:

To help you take your decision, you could also read (if not done yet) the following:

For @reef-full members :

This period is a particularly important time to keep in touch with your buddy or buddies, especially in terms of being available should they wish to meet up and discuss the project. If you haven’t done so already, it might be worth having a look at the new ‘Buddy system manual’, which can be found here:


To apply for full membership, please send an email to The Reef’s mailbox, and save your email on Nextcloud (ASBL > Members Registry > Membership application or here ).

Decisions on full membership applications are taken by consensus by the Full Members. After we have received your application, it may therefore take up to two weeks before we’ll be able to communicate the outcome, although our intention is to do this as soon as possible.



Hi, I’m affraid I wan’t be able to send my mail in August for applying or not. I have my kids until 3/9 and I wan’t be able to see my buddy or other Full Members until then.

One meeting with a full member is already planned, the others have to be planned.

Added that the holidays didn’t helped to get in touch with others, August will be to quick for me. It will probably be around half-september.

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Same for me. I was not able to have a one-to-one meeting yet with somebody else than my buddy :slight_smile: But it is something that I will try to make happen before I leave on holidays (on 9 September).


Same here, we still need to meet more members so I think we should be able to do the request in Oct/Nov. :slight_smile:

If possible, I like to defer my decision to the October time frame. Similar reasons as given above. Also, having a good understanding of the statutes are key for me. :nerd_face: