We have been invited as partners in a consortium to apply for the call GOVERNANCE 21-2020.
The coordinator is the Hellenic Mediterranean University from Greece and there are 12 other partners. The project is entitled “Making the Citizens Voice Heard” (VOICE) and the main idea is to:
“understand the opportunities for developing democracy in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, to make use of its empowering technology and to consider how these changes can shift the current mainstream balance point between democracy and representation. The approach taken is an experimental and bottom-up one; we wish to identify, develop and implement pilot approaches with a clear citizen engagement dimension and a multiplier effect, and then to lay out atop of this, a detailed theoretic framework providing better insight on what ‘more democracy’ can eventually mean and how it can manifest.”
In February, @alberto drafted an idea of how we could contribute (you can find it here). The entire proposal and the WP descriptions together with the budget was taken care by the coordinator and we have now been given the (almost) final version. You can find it here.
We will be using the SSNA to respond to the objective of “technology research” to understand and illustrate how technology can empower and diversify the proliferation of democratic practice. The topic is very close to both POPREBEL and NGI so we could build upon the existing community already on the platform.
On the other hand, there is not a lot of space for negotiation at this point and we weren’t asked for a lot of input in the process.
The total budget of the project is 3 million eur. It is quite fixed as we are a lot of partners. We have been attributed approx. 160k. Duration: 36 months.
We are not leading any of the workpackages, but we have PMs allocated for all 5 WPs (20 PMs in total). The only task that we are leading is T4.4. exploitation of results and we have only one deliverable, related to this task and the follow-up of VOICE.
A part from the budget to participate in the consortium meetings, we don’t have extra budget for travel to organize the usual onboarding events. We weren’t asked to have them either, but as this is an important part of our “standard” workpackage, I will get back to the coordinator and suggest we revise this in the negotiation phase if the project is approved.
If you have any thoughts or comments please let me know as soon as possible since the planned date for the submission is this Friday.