Applying for the job opportunity as ethnographer

Hallo everyone, I’m applying for the job opportunity posted on Open call for researchers - Spot the Future - Edgeryders. My name is Simona Isabella and I hold a PhD in sociology. My main research interests concern Computer Mediated Communication (my PhD research work was an online ethnography of some online roleplay games), mobile phone/mobile Internet and Social Networking. I’m currently working on a research project on youth and future, in particular on the influence media have on the narratives of the future. I’m very interested in join your project and I’ll be glad to give you any further information about my work experiences if you are interested. Regards Simona

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Hello @Simona Isabellathanks for applying – and sorry for my delay in replying, i have been travelling. I have three questions for you:

  1. can you tell us a bit more on your PhD thesis? In particular, I am interested in the methodology, especially in what kind of ethnographic raw data you collected, and how you processed them onto a final result.
  2. can you point to a short CV? A university page or Linkedin profile or whatever will be more than adequate.
  3. Have you ever used WEFT, Atlas.Ti or similar software?

Hallo Alberto  and thank you very much for your email. I’m very sorry for answering so late but gmail put your message (and some other notification from Edgeryders) in the spam folder…

I try to answer to your questions.

  1. As regard my PhD thesis, I worked on an Italian and a Canadian roleplay games. There were text games (MUD) and I get my data just saving the game’s screenshot. At the time since I didn’t have the possibility to use any software in orther to analyze my data I used the hermeneutic coding both for the ethnographical data and my Interviews.  You can find more details on the methodology in this article:   ,

2)here is my Linkedin profile Sign Up | LinkedIn

  1. the only software I Know id Nvivo . I’m using it for a researchon youth and future I’m working in at the moment.