One of Sarcha’s ongoing programs has the title “Athens Travelers: Athens as introduced by its youth. Individual trajectories are turned into “in common” city explorations”.
The young participants of the Athens Travelers program transfer their knowledge/practice to their co-peers and work together to create a number of alternative guided city tours.
In the current economic circumstances in which despair reigns supreme and the youth faces social exclusion and the fast raising unemployment rate, the Athens Travelers program creates an opening for the youths’ innovative force; it aims to bring together young people from different educational, social and cultural backgrounds and the young with fewer opportunities (the young unemployed, immigrants, with special skills, ex-delinquents or ex-addicts, etc) to nourish mutual understanding, support and cooperation.
If the 19th century travelers were after the Athenian past, the travelers of this program seek to understand the effects of a city tormented by social unrest and economic instability. That which appears monstrous in today’s Athens might be just the announcement of a future we haven’t thought of. The program asks the city’s youth to choose specific city itineraries and present city features conceived as problematic, that is, as that which holds the potential to reframe.
The young people to whom this program is addressed are:
· Insiders: the ‘From within’ city connoisseurs
· Ιn-sight-seers: who see the ‘would-be’ in the place of despair and in the state of deadlock
· Inciters: who stimulate a reassembling of humans, buildings/unbuilt spaces and nature
This program is a carefully planned type of the so called ‘non formal’ learning and it is designed to have multiple results and added value. The Athens Travelers program will provide not only a productive outlet for the young but it may create an alternative source of income in the long run.
The program is running since March. After a first open call 5 itineraries where proposed and developed in collaboration with the SARCHA team and a program of experimental guided tours open to the general public was implemented.
The itineraries so far are the following:
· Migrants’ destiny – destination: Greek migrants itineraries in the postwar Athens
· Degrees of Appropriation: Open City Spaces
· Who’s Who in the National Garden
· From one Hill to Another: Everyday Obstacles for Cyclists
· AfterTaste: Food Itineraries
This first phase of the program proved to be very successful and we are trying to design the next phase with more itineraries and more guided tours.
For more information you can visit
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or you can follow us at Twitter @athenstravelers