The “Autism for Help Village Project” Trust will bring adequate educational, therapeutic, medical, vocational, and other assistance to the unserved, autistic children/peoples, and their families and caregivers, in the communities of south India.
What is the issue, problem, or challenge?
The community in south India is facing a huge challenge in the field of autism. Diagnosis is often late, ignorance is rampant, help exists in too few places, is too costly, or is not available at all. The result is the children with autism in south India, unless rich, get little or no help. In autism early diagnosis, early interventions and the best possible kinds of treatment and therapy are the best hope for the children. My project would address this gap and close this need.
How will this project solve this problem?
We will start a school for autistic children. It will offer the best help available, sponsored with donations so that the children can afford it. We will purchase land and start a GFCF farm for food, vocational training, and raising money
Potential Long Term Impact
In the Autism for Help Village, the community of Autistic Children, parents and caregivers will receive long-term support, acceptance, and inclusion. The surrounding community benefits from increased job opportunities, food security, & understanding.
Project Message: You have started a trip, you have a long way to walk, many of us want to share that trip with you, we can keep learning together at the Village of Equity [the Autism for Help Village], Koshy.
- Ternura Rojas, Ph.D, Pharmacist, Expert: environment/food science
Project location: Bangalore, India but it has universal and European application.
@terrestrian on twitter