Available job for someone?

Digital kultur på Universitetet i Bergen
We're looking to hire someone to work with ELMCIP and two other digital humanities research infrastructure projects in our department. At present we have a temporary position lined up that will likely be extended. If you know of anyone well-qualified who would be interested in spending some time in Norway working with two very active research groups in the Digital Humanities, please ask them to get in touch:

Digital Humanities Research Infrastructure Position at the University of Bergen, Norway

We are hiring for a full-time position working with the research projects ELMCIP, DASISH and Clarino. The position is for 9 months, with the possibility that it may be extended. The position will be housed in the Department of Linguistic, Literary, and Aesthetic Studies and will involve work with researchers in the Computational Linguistics and Digital Culture programs. The work consists essentially of the following in cooperation with active research groups:

  • Design and/or maintenance and modification of databases with web interface and the organization of linguistic and literary data and metadata for research purposes;

  • Integration of project into national research infrastructure;

  • Documentation, licensing, usage analysis, evaluation and training;

  • Project management, planning, reporting, communication and meetings.

We are ideally looking for someone with experience working with Drupal development and experience working with research infrastructure projects involving metadata. This is a position that bridges research and technical skills so we are looking for someone with strengths in both areas. Salary is competitive, and we are looking for someone able to start work as soon as possible. Qualifications: Experience in research infrastructure and/or digital humanities research and strong technical competence. An M.A. or Ph.D in a related research field are desirable.

Contact: Email Koenraad de Smedt <desmedt@uib.no> and Scott Rettberg <scott.rettberg@lle.uib.no> with an expression of interest and CV.

Thank you for the heads up

Didn’t think I’d see job listing here, but boy ain’t I happy?! It seems to me, Bembo, you’re great in finding new angles for ER as resource & support… Are you somehow involved in this research or just thought of Edgeryders and the drupal connection?

Tweeting and posting around

Hi Bembo,

how are you? I don’t know if Ben mentioned it but I’;; be presenting the unMonastery at Ouishare in Paris in may. maybe some more potential unMonasterians there.

Thanks for sharing this here. Im posting it around lets see if something pops up!

The second, Noemi; I find these research proposals unpenetrable, but just know we have someone in the family who could jump in and shine.

Am now physically back from my writer’s retreat nd ready to poke around at reality…