Hello @reef-full, @marcelh and @joannes,
We are asked to pass on our wishes for our balconies. As far as I understand this is only for those on floors 1, 2 and 3.
Can you please fill in the survey linked below by Wednesday 5 February COB?
Link: https://forms.gle/vRadLJgMKLL3fZi47
Some notes:
Maximum depth: 1,80 m
Minimum surface: 5 m²
Current price estimate: 2089 euro per m² (VAT and fees included)
Choices can be modified a little afterwards if needed. It is better to overestimate and go smaller though than the other way around.
If you are on a higher floor, it may happen that you’ll be asked to make your balcony a bit smaller for the benefit of the sunlight for the household living beneath you.