We are glead to jointhe group unMonastery and community.
…There are things worth all of us, big and small, making an effort for. One of them is loving and investing your own city each day. With our desires and vision of the future, we are the city. Technology, nature, hospitality, knowledge, sustainability, tourism and tradition: in a nutshell, Co-Working & Co-learning Environment Designs.
Because, The more people we inspire, the more people will inspire us.
Bergamo-Hub: " The power toinnovatethrough collaboration "
It’s very nice meeting you and thanks for posting about what you do! You’re in the right place, Edgeryders also acts as a distributed social innovation hub
So we have some common friends, starting with [JoeCorneli], who once made a reference to “peeragogy” and the research approach you guys are using to study it (first time i come across the terminology though).
Also, I couldn’t help notice on the hub’s page that you intend to put Bergamo forward as a candidate for European Capital of Culture 2019. How is that going? Coming to Matera i think you’ll have plenty to discuss and share with the unMonasterians. especially if you’re looking into similar projects with your local community. Actually for Lote we have a track in the program especially dedicated at collecting input and running workshops on Building the unMonastery, perhaps have a look?
Bergamo Hub is part of our Peeragogy in Action research program.
Peeragogy presents a range of techniques that self-motivated learners can use to connect with each other and develop stronger communities and collaborations. The book is addressed to everyone who is interested in how learning works, whether you’re an educator, a hobbyist, an artist, a home-school student, an employee, a parent, an activist, an archivist, a mathematician, or a tennis player. The book was written by a bunch of people who think learning is cool.
And we love learning by doing with others peeragogues…!!
We hope tobe able toorganizea working groupandattend the event inMatera with you all…!!