Bern User Forum 2023 Transcripts - 01AND

Yeah. In your opinion, are cars that include electronic devices and components easier or harder to adapt to circular economy principles than, for example, regular cars?

Yeah, it’s a good question. With electronic devices and also sensors, you can measure how far or how much component has been used with an analog system. It’s not possible. So I would say probably with a more electronic that’s more adaptable because you could Measure.

what can the automotive industry do to promote circular economy?

Well, I think it should. People should focus on the very transparent communication of the lifespan of of the car and its components and its parts and also maybe the service intervals. So that one, as a customer, you have a complete overview of. What this car not only costs at the start, but also over the lifecycle, what it means at the end as well.

Do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored by car electronics, for example, GPS? When thinking about reuse of car electronics.

Oh, I have one example. I won’t mention the car manufacturer’s name, but we once had a a vehicle. Then after the three year lease, this car was connected to an app. And after the three year lease when we gave it back, I was still able to follow this car for quite a while on my app. So I have a bit of. Yeah.

And electronics in general. Are you also concerned about privacy and data?

No. No, not really. No, I don’t think that.

Does recycling and reusing mean different things to you.

No, it’s I in my mind, it comes down to the same principle.

Could you explain it, please?

Well, it’s not just throwing away, but taking parts of it and reusing it for maybe another purpose. Okay.

On a scale of 1 to 5, one means not at all concerned and five very concerned. How concerned are you about environmental waste and pollution?

Very, very concerned. Five.

Five? Why?

Oh, especially regarding what happens downstream going into the oceans, what happens to our wildlife. So it’s basically not for humans. I’m more concerned about nature and what’s happening.

What, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

Well, for instance, not driving the car. Driving by bicycle. We also recycle and yeah, try to not have any food waste. So that’s what we’re doing.

How much responsibility does each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment? Or do you think.

No, it’s I think all the little parts, plays. Plays together. It’s mostly a big initiative. Once it comes from bottom up or people start to think the same, only then you get a big impact.