Bern User Forum 2023 Transcripts - 03HEI

When? When is the one adjective that comes to mind when you think about car electronics? Electronics in the car. What is the first what you are thinking about?


Yeah. Why?

Yeah. Yeah. Um. Because I don’t think we are able to, to get away from cars as a mode of transport. And I see an opportunity for the car industry to become at least greener than it is now. So that’s an opportunity. And there’s a moral duty to be optimistic. So, yeah.

Good. In your opinion, are cars that include electronic components easier or harder to adapt to circular economy principles than regular cars?

Yeah, good question. Um, it’s it’s more difficult. Yeah. Yeah.

Why do you think so?

Well, the systems are getting more complicated. You need more different. Different types of resources, rare metals, all kinds of resources that you weren’t using before with a traditional combustion engine. So it’s going to be. I’m a lot more complicated to close those loops.

What can the automotive industry do to promote a circular economy, in your opinion?

I think, first of all, it can can raise the awareness, the importance of sustainability in the industry itself, um, and, and stop with things such as the diesel scandal that that Volkswagen did. So take take their motivation for a Sustainable future series. I think that would be a first good step.

Do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored by not only car electronics like GPS, also in electronics generally?

Yes, I do. But, um, um, I think there’s a big role for regulatory authorities to, to manage that, to control that. And I think it’s a trade off we have to accept if we want to, um, build sustainable modes of transport.

Yeah. Does recycling and reusing means different things to you.

Yes. Um, recycling means for me, um, using the resource, but perhaps in a different way. And reusing for me is more about using the material in a similar industry or in a similar fashion. So recycling is, for me, a a broader range of opportunities.

On a scale of 1 to 5 one, 1 not at all concerned. Five very concerned. How concerned are you about environmental waste and pollution?


Why ?

Um, why? Because I’m reading the reports from the IPCC, from the UN. I think we’re heading for disaster and we’re not doing enough, so.

Yeah. What, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

Good question. Yeah. I don’t drive a car. I don’t fly. I’m a vegetarian. Um, I try to buy only secondhand products. Um, yeah, Those are the small steps I take in my daily life. Yeah.