Bern User Forum 2023 Transcripts - 09NAD

Okay. When is the one adjective that comes to mind when you think about car electronics?

Electronic car. Um. Oh, pollution, actually. Pollution. A different kind of pollution in different parts of the world, but still a lot of pollution.

In your opinion, are the cars that include electronic components easier or harder to adapt to circular economy principles than regular cars?

Honestly, I don’t know enough about the subject, but from a from someone who doesn’t have a car, I think that the new cars will be more difficult to to recycle or to. I think it’s it would be easier to adapt the old cars to circular economy than the new ones. But I don’t know enough about the subject.

What can the automotive industry do to promote circular economy? Do you believe the automotive industry is already doing these things?

I think they do a lot of greenwashing. Um, no, I think. I think they don’t. Yes. For me it’s greenwashing. They they I don’t think there’s a real interest in in promoting real circular economy.

How do you think is it possible to get them to change this?

I don’t know. Some kind of incentive. But honestly, there is profit involved. It’s companies. They have to make profit. They have shareholders. So it’s very difficult.

Um, do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored by car electronics, for example GPS?

Yeah, I wouldn’t. I personally I don’t have a GPS on my phone, so I wouldn’t really want a GPS in my car that, you know, registers every, every, every detail. So yeah, to, to a certain extent, Yes.

does recycling and reusing mean different things to you?

Yes. Recycle and reuse is not the same. Reuse is that you keep using it. Recycle is still the end. So recycling is is better than just, you know, dumping it. But it’s it’s not it’s not the same. It’s different. Different things. Yeah

Could you explain the difference?

Uh, reuse is if you take something and you keep using it, either you repair it or you repurpose it or whatever, but you keep using at least part of the material. Recycling is just that. It, you know, like the pet bottles, you, you dump it somewhere and then in the end they don’t do much with it. So it’s, I think recycling sometimes it’s just to give the consumers a good feeling and you put it there in a bin, but we don’t really know how much of it in the end is reused

On a scale of 1 to 5, one means not all concerned and five being extremely concerned. How concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?

1-5?, five without hesitation. Yeah.


Because it’s a it’s about our survival. If we don’t start looking after our environment seriously, then I think we will perish. Very, very, very simple.

What if. Any actions you take in your life to promote sustainability. Discuss it in detail.

I do a lot of things in my daily life. First, I don’t have a car. I do a lot of second hand. I think that 80% of everything that I own is secondhand. I when it comes to food, I eat a lot of local organic products. I pay attention to what I buy. I do not buy products that come from companies that I don’t agree with. I reduce plastic. I yeah, I think I do a lot of small things. It’s a concern for me, my daily life.