Bern User Forum 2023 Transcripts - 12TOB

Yeah. So I have two perspective. One is I try to reduce my my individual footprints so my consumption activities and make them as sustainable as possible. And the second is why are teaching doing research? I try to to have an impact as well. So to stimulate other people to become more sustainable.

How much responsibility does each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment?

So I think every every person has an impact. So, I mean, the the size of the impact is quite limited. But the big problem when talking about the environmental sustainability is that everybody says, well, my my ideal impact is just marginal, so why should I do something? But I think this is the important step that everybody tries to do its best to make a certain impact. And then if everybody does certain impact, then the whole picture gets irrelevant as well. So I think this is fundamental that everybody tries to to do first what he or she she can do.

Last question. Do you see the circular economy as a local or national or international issue?

So you mean in the end it’s in the end, it’s an international issue. So I think a perfect a perfect circular economy will will, will become only reality if we if we coordinate our activities globally. But in the beginning, we have to to start locally, to to to start the whole concept and then to optimize the concept we have to do to increase the focus.

Regarding to car production. How could the circular economy work in general and electronic components in the car in particular?

For what to to simulate a circular economy?

Has local, national or international issue? How is it in the automotive industry, the car production?

I mean, I, I really I’m not an expert in this field, but I think already, I mean, in the industry, the whole industry is has an international focus. So probably the car producers are located in Germany or in the US or wherever, but they depend or dependent on suppliers from other countries as well. So for example, switch suppliers deliver good to the producers in Germany. So it’s already an international issue. And that’s why in order to make the whole industry more circular, we have to coordinate activities globally or internationally at least.

Okay. Thank you very much.

