November 30, 2021, 7:09pm
Hi all, as usual I’m sharing the standard agenda for tomorrow’s biweekly. Please edit the post directly if you have specific points you want to discuss for each project.
Round of updates per team for:
Where are we with the review meeting?
final event impressions and any action points as follow up
finalization of the project
second ethics deliverable finished
dissemination plan?
contributing to “the platform”
@alberto @nadia @johncoate @hugi @noemi @martin @matthias @amelia @ivan
December 1, 2021, 10:03am
Update in this post:
The general rehearsal is on 7th of December at 15h (it’s in the calendar), by then we need to finish the slides.
December 1, 2021, 4:48pm
Review meeting covers the past periods and checks the future steps:
Preparation of the final conference - steps on the way
Deadlines – slides by the 7th, meeting on the 9th
Dissemination :
Alberto: dissemination should not stop with the final conference
We should be planning something by May/June
The only activites ongoing – preparations for the final event
add a slide to Marina’s deck
Concentrate on views on POPREBEL category, downloads of the POPREBEL datasets
the online forum is an engagement tool:
226k views on the Wellbeing in Europe
1877 downloads of the datasets
NGI – Impact Summit
John – very complex, it took a lot of setup, constraints, but feedback exceptional: it looked we could have easily kept the people engaged for hours
Formal side
a report to be submitted – D4.2
the conversation is documented: one article per breakout room connecting to the findings from the ethnographic reports
a final deliverable – immersive, but easy to review
the ethics deliverable already submitted
dissemination planning
bilateral meetings in December
get the feedback on the focus topics
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