Please add any points you wish to discuss on the agenda.
And a small challenge to end the year: comment with your suggestion for the intro soundtrack. Share a tune that for you best describes 2020. (not accepting “Highway to hell” - too obvious).
we should get in touch with the NGI outreach office to request our events appear in the official NGI events calendar on the main website. AMAs should be promoted there.
we are planning to collaborate with Rob on salons in January. Info in this thread.
Masters of Networks: not happening at the MozFest so it’s on us to organize it. Setting the date: initial plan is sometime mid-April + pre-event a couple of weeks before to present the methodologies. Hackhaton form, two data sets (ours and DeLabs). Alberto taking the lead on this, but we’ll need all hands on deck. Especially involved should be @MariaEuler, @amelia, @hugi, @owen, @nadia. Reach out to the University of Bordeaux, Aalborg…possibly link this to Marie Curie grant.
deliverable “community journalism digest” is in preparation
in POPREBEL: booklets are being produced in different languages to valorize the content produced.
TREASURE project: signing the GA soon. Marina will draft the internal budget and this will be discussed beginning of January with the team, to see who will be part of the project and in what way.
Hugi advanced on making the Kulturbryggan project happen. It will be interesting and fun looking at different cultural actors in Europe and bringing them on the platform. Might require involvement of around 7-8 persons in the team. Hugi will keep everyone informed.
Marina is revising the PMs spent in this year, new contracts will be prepared for beginning of January.
Strategy for RezNet: before we proceed with chasing new calls under Horizon Europe, we need to sit down and revise what we offer, agree on what we actually want to do as a team and how. Combining the idea of “gathering” with this meeting could be a way to go. Think of a whole day meet up with two sessions, morning one more open for a broader team of collaborators and the afternoon one specific to RezNet (more closed session)…? tbd. Should happen in January. Agree on the date asap.
Preliminary: Right now, we are looking at around 16 PMs, a core team of 6 people taking 1.5 PMs each, another 6 people taking 0.8 PMs each, and another group of 4 people taking 0.5 PMs.