Biweekly, 17/11/21 - Agenda

Hi all, as usual I’m sharing the standard agenda for tomorrow’s biweekly. Please edit directly if you have points to add.

Round of updates per team for:


  • NGI:

    • final event preparations
    • D2.4.

    • D10.2.

@alberto @nadia @johncoate @hugi @noemi @martin @matthias @amelia @ivan

Would it be OK for me to skip? I’m struggling. My updates:

  • NGI D2.4 is completely revised here. Revision took longer than expected because I had to replace all visualizations with new ones. @amelia and I also rewrote the methodology part. For me it’s ready to go to NESTA.
  • TREASURE D10.2 is under way here. I have only received material from ILSSA for section 3 (not yet incorporated in the document, but it’s a matter of 30 minutes). I am still missing POLLINI’s and SEAT’s contributions for section 3, and Paolo’s for section 2. Section 1 is ready.
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@amelia ok for you too? I would add access to this google doc to Egle and Katja

Giving it one last look over – feel free to add access to them, I will not be making any major changes.

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