Biweekly + community meetings

Call 17 January 2025

Open a conversation with the consortium to help with the research

  • precisely define the categories (young-old, rural-urban, periods: during COVID-after COVID, how the periods interrelate)

to does:

  • elaborate the Research topic to share with the selected public
  • create a questionnaire for partners to connect to the database with the rationale on their role in the snowball sampling and the connection with representatives of the communities
  • establish a timeline to define the ethnographic questions


  • set up a bibliography topic for Interfaced


  • write a post oon ethnogprahic approach for work with grassroots groups


  • customise the Interfaced category and pin it on top of the forum
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Friday 31 January

Aware that most of the team has not worked with these biweeklies, a brief foreword: These calls are a chance to reconnect, review what we’ve accomplished since our last meeting, and coordinate on strategy and next steps. When needed, we’ll also plan specific workshops to support our progress.

To keep things moving smoothly, it’s important that agreed-upon tasks are completed between meetings. We all have other commitments, so if any delays come up, keeping the team informed helps us stay aligned.
That’s why we track everything on the platform—it ensures our meeting time is focused on planning ahead, rather than revisiting unfinished work.

Coming back to what we discussed:

Community Engagement: (@nica)

Some forum strategies to consider include structured vs. open-ended discussions and “Pass the Mic” threads highlighting voices from specific countries (e.g., Germany, Hungary).
It would be nice to use formats mimicking social gatherings, like dinner party-style conversations. We need to evaluate what worked in the past and how we can improve and innovate.
Questions to consider:

  • How large should our audience be?
  • What languages should we support for inclusivity?

Events & Workshops:
Consider hosting seminars and remote events to build community knowledge.
Some examples are remote apéros during COVID and large-scale events like ER Strasbourg conference.
Fondamental for this is the community building.

Technology Integration:

  • Explore solutions to voice chat and transcription challenges
  • Tools like OpenEthno can code video/audio
  • Discourse currently lacks voice/video integration

To does:

  • Connect with Dan to onboard the consortium members and discuss fellowships
  • Prepare the DMP docs (@daniel / @matthias ) and communicate with the consortium (@ivan)
  • Schedule a call @bojanbobic, @nica, @ivan to talk community engagement
  • @Nica posts her research design doc on the platform

Useful Links for Event References:**

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Hello everyone!

I am looking forward to this project and to working together again.
@Nica @ivan, what is your availability for a meeting?

I am free:

  • Thursday 06/02 after 16:00h
  • Friday - flexible
  • Monday - preferably 17-18h, but flexible

Let me know what works best for you, and I will schedule a meeting.

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Everything proposed works for me.
I think we should definitely meet before the WP meeting on the 12th.

@Nica - pick one moment, and I’ll adapt.

Hello, I am available tomorrow (Friday) at 15.30 or 16.00, or Monday 17-18 is also fine.

Meeting Veronica, Ivan & Bojan 07/02/25

In this meeting, we discussed the community engagement strategy, different approaches and priorities.
The main discussion points were around the following:

  • how do we bring a new community to the platform? What worked before and what didn’t. Lessons learned
  • To which communities can we reach out?
  • should we engage in 1-1 conversations with different community leaders

Due to my experience from TREASURE, I am afraid it will be challenging to engage people on the platform, but for this project, one of our target customers are activists who should be more prone to writing on the platform.

To do:

  • Ambassadors - find a fellow/ambassador in each country by the end of the year (having all of them by October would be brilliant) @bojanbobic
  • check Hugi’s list and dig into the communities. Start to reach out to them and make connections @bojanbobic
  • @Nica SSOT about research design
  • @bojanbobic posts the slides from the Paris presentation
  • @Nica prepares a presentation for Tuesday’s consortium meeting
  • after Tuesday’s meeting, develop a community engagement plan @bojanbobic
  • @ivan prepares the presentation of the platform for the consortium partners and starts the onboarding with Dan
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