Biweekly team call 8/7/21 - agenda and notes


During the last biweekly call, we discussed the need to have a clearer calendar of the activities happening from August/September until the end of the year. Also, we talked about the methodology for editing audio into text, see John’s post here.

So, we are making the next biweekly obligatory to gather the team and go through the following points together:

  • workplan August-December 2020
  • audio editing methodology
  • using tags for different projects. Issue raised by Alberto, following this event: how does “the POPREBEL community” learn about stuff that lives in Campfire? How do we get it to reconnect the issue back to populism, or at least populist governments?
  • NGI reporting: defining the internal schedule and procedures

Anything else to add?

Please make sure you have the free timeslot on Wednesday 8th of July, at 17h. We are using Google meets for the call, the link is in the calendar.

@alberto @nadia @noemi @matthias @amelia @johncoate @MariaEuler @hugi



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I think this discussion will be relevant also for @hires - as the engagement in the German forum is about to kick off! Sent you a calendar invite, hope you can make it!

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Present in the call: @alberto @nadia @noemi @hires @johncoate @amelia @MariaEuler @hugi

Here are the main points and actionables:

  • the transcribing solution is good as it saves time and money.
  • this means that the text is clean (the pauses and spelling accidents are omitted). We need to define and justify the methodological approach and add it to the report.
  • Amelia had the discussion with Leonie - we are not looking at these interviews in such detail. It would be good though to leave the long pauses for example, keep the natural speech with things that tell us something.
  • however, if we are buying a standard service here this may not be possible.
  • these decisions are integrated, closely related to both the consent funnel and the coding.

TO DO: we work around the consent funnel manual, @amelia will do a write up.

  • Noemi pointed out that the POPREBEL community is fragmented, because of the topics but also the languages.
  • we could do some narrative spinning such as use blogging (to get different points of view) or have a more active group of community managers working across projects and making posts in different languages. For now this can be done in English and Czech.
  • the issue raised by Maria is that when posting topics in different categories, for example Campfire, the traffic is different and people interact more or less depending on the category in which the post is. We don’t have the data for this.
  • the upcoming events such as the one about the future of coworking will be used to create links to what people really care about and initiate conversations about the role of governments and the policies. Starting with the interviews allows us to articulate questions.

TO DO: @noemi will keep an eye on the upcoming events, select relevant ones and recontextualize them. @amelia and the ethnographers team will help @nadia in formulating the bridge questions

  • as Alberto explained, having a workplan will allow the team members to know when they will be asked to contribute but also how the work they are doing now contributes to the whole. Being better organized and having a sense of what is happening is important.
  • this will be a separate discussion. In the upcoming period we will organize two team meetings ahead of the Summit: one on the general narrative and the other on planning the actual events.

TO DO: schedule the first meeting on the narrative. Here is the doodle: (also ping @kajafarszky)

  • details are posted here.
  • the procedure and TO DOs for the technical parts is that @alberto will take care of the Part B and ask the contributions when needed from the team members.
  • Marina will ping the team members in the Part A doc which contains some more specific information, especially about the details around the events organized etc.
  • Deadline: 31st of July.
  • Final note: if you are going on holidays add it to the Edgeryders events calendar please.

Notes from the chat:

Alberto Cottica


Me neither, honestly. It’s more a point of rigour: this kind of choice needs to be made at Amelia’s level.

Daniel Hires


Which service did you use, is it

I have been recommended for German transcription - they also have an option with a human transcriber (clean up)

John Coate


We used otter for machine translation. for human transcription

Alberto Cottica


Nadia E.


sorry, fever bla bla

Alberto Cottica


Maybe we could discuss the agenda item that we need Nadia for, since she is unwell.

Nadia E.


Do we have traffic on that?


Alberto Cottica


I have the same quesiton

Nadia E.


do people spontaneously check the category


Nadia E.


yes, do it in campfire till it gets traction

yes but not clear why

Nadia E.


mmm but this does not mean they spontaneously go into the category to check for stuff?

ok but you have a list of all people associated with the category

Matt putt together a script

so you get a full list and can ping people

when the content is relevant

Nadia E.


instructions there

I dont think. it is

Nadia E.


once activities that people signed up for are over, their engagement tends to drop unless you do more stuff - and then you need to draw attention to them anyway

Nadia E.


omg what a cute little human

Alberto Cottica


Daniel :slight_smile:

Daniel Hires


she has no respect for closed doors…

Nadia E.


does she use words?

Daniel Hires


a few, but she has to navigate 4 languages, so she is a bit slower than other kids

Alberto Cottica


BTW, at the moment:

  • POPREBEL: 260+ participants, 1600+ posts.

Hugi Ásgeirsson


Summers are also always stagnant, historically

Nadia E.


Alberto Cottica


  • NGI: 120 + participants, 3000+ posts

Hugi Ásgeirsson


I think our focus should be on how to we get engagement in September forward, rather than immediately.

Alberto Cottica


Sorry, 220 participants, of cpurse

Amelia Hassoun


Those post numbers don’t accurately reflect the number of meaningful codeable posts

Alberto Cottica


No. Just the tagged topics.

Amelia Hassoun


We need to find a way to get at that computationally

Nadia E.


Here’s the longer article for one

Alberto Cottica


Working on it, Amelia.

Amelia Hassoun


Good to think of at mon

Alberto Cottica


I plan to have a small report for the periodic NGI reporting.

Amelia Hassoun



Alberto Cottica


Since our data have identical structure across projects, it is easy to do it for all projects.

Noemi Salantiu


I wrote smth on it here:

Nadia E.


Nadia E.



Noemi Salantiu


is this for both projects?




we did the 1st poprebel reporting:)

Nadia E.


i have to go now


Amelia Hassoun


OC was so rich too, compared to either of these

Just heuristically

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thanks Marina, doodle filled.

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Since there were only two responses to this doodle, we will use the next biweekly on 22/7 at 5pm to start the discussion on the workplan with those who are available. Please save the date @noemi @nadia (@kajafarszky) @johncoate @MariaEuler @amelia


Thanks Marina, will try to make it on time, but account for 17:30 for me… I am attending a 2 hr online event before.


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Thanks Marina, @nadia it’s in your agenda :slight_smile:

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@nadia @noemi @amelia @johncoate the call today is postponed, as the majority is on holidays. Let’s aim at sometime mid-August to talk about the workplan.

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new proposed date is 12th of August at 17h. Everyone agrees?


I am available on the 12, yes.

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yes ok for me.

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Good for @nadia too!

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