Boost our visibility through Facebook

Nowadays, it is becoming crucial to use social media to reach out to public. Recent studies conducted by Digital Media Science and Arab Social Media Influencers Summit indicated that 44% of MENA region population uses Internet and of those more than 88% use social media on a daily basis.

While the usage of the different social media varies from a country to another, Facebook comes always in the first place with an average of 89% of internet users followed by Tweeter with 47%. Accordingly, it is important to put further focus on our marketing digital strategy to promote Edgeryders platform and programs.
However, we have to be very careful to not lose sight of our primary goal which is engaging people in conversations on the platform, yet we can use social media to drain people to the platform and get advantage of the presence of a considerable number of youth on these networks, mainly Facebook.

In this post, I am going to share with you the best practices to ensure for an effective digital marketing and increase our programs visibility on Facebook:

To optimize our organic reach (how our post reach Facebook users without boosting it), we have to learn couple of basic things on Facebook algorithm. The latter is subject to regular updates in order to improve the user experience. Facebook takes very seriously the recommendations that it gathers through regular surveys. These are the important things that you need to know:

  • People tend to have the idea that posting a lot on Facebook will increase your organic reach, well this is totally wrong! Millions of pages have been created over the last years, and Facebook is quietly cautious about ensuring that these pages do not annoy its users. That is why, the new algorithms are favoring posts from friends rather from pages to show in the news feeds. We have to take this into consideration in order to improve our performances. Number of posts per day must not exceed 2 , One post per day is even better.

  • Facebook algorithms favor media contents: images and videos. That is why we should use:

  • Short videos (1 minute or less rhythmic videos)

  • Pictures that focuses on the brand, one information/picture. Texts in images must occupy no more than 25%. (this is also important when boosting image post. Check this link .

  • It is also important to develop a graphic charter (The colors to be used, positioning of the logo, the proportion of other graphic elements, typography, font type and size…)

  • The most popular posts across Facebook can be categorized as Edu-tainment. They are either entertaining or educational. For example, silly GIFs might fall into the entertainment category, while data, How-Tos, and info-graphics fall into the educational category. The best posts of all tend to have a mix of both entertainment and education.

  • Best times to post are usually between 19h00 and 22h00.

When scrolling down on news feeds, people tend to spend a little or no effort to understand the message in each post. That is why you have to keep your messages short (less than 280 characters). Also think of the KISS as our golden rule when posting on Facebook: Keep It Simple and Stupid. keep in mind that you are talking to people that do not know anything about what are we doing and our programs.

Finally, and in order to keep draining people, it is important to share posts from the platform on the Facebook. This must not be always the case in order to ensure a higher organic reach and to keep building a community of followers on Facebook who could be eventually drained to our platform.

Sponsoring strategy

Our sponsoring strategy has two main goals:

  • Improve the visibility of our different programs and reach out the large number of Facebook users.
  • Drain more people to the platform

The audience should be customized as following:

  • Age: Young people aged between 18 years old - 35 years old
  • Regions: Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco
  • Interests: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, social businesses…
  • Gender: Male and Female
  • Ad scheduling : between 9am and 11pm

That is being said, it is crucial to keep in mind that these are just guidelines. Our digital marketing KPIs should be regularly monitored to adapt our strategy and better reach out to our potential members


  • Audience growth : How quickly are our fans growing
  • Content Reach : How many people are seeing our content each week
  • CTR : Click Through Rate from Facebook

@Yosser it would be helpful for you while launching ourgehma facebook page
@Sohayeb thanks for your help and recommendations

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Thanks for sharing this Zmorda ping @owen

You are welcome :smile:

Facebook and Instagram are both for promoting your ideas and share photos, etc. To get your instagram to a new level, check with

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