BRIEF #1 for Hacking Utopia Project UdK


HU = Hacking Utopia Project UDK

OC = OpenCare Research Project

Task#1: sign up for project (missing information)

Deliverable HU

Time: 2 minutes

Deadline: Sunday, 10.4.

Instructions: Community manager’s not: URL removed for privacy

Task#2: Personal Profile 

Deliverable OC

Time: 1/2 hour

Deadline: Sunday, 10.4.


Make it easier for us to connect you with one another based on complimentary interests and skills by completing your personal profile on

1.    Login to the platform

2.    Go to your profile page:

3.    Upload your picture (the portraits that Bjorn took are all available to download here)

4.    Update your bio with the following information (from the collaboration mosaic exercise we did on the last day of the workshop:

a.    Your practical skillset (pick from list / add what’s missing)

b.    What you are interested in learning during this course

c.    What you are interested in offering/contributing

Task#3: Upload content from workshop

Deliverable OC / HU

Time: 1 hour

Deadline: Tuesday, 12.4.


1.    Pull out your documentation from the listening triads on care (exercise from day 1 when you were split into groups of three)

2.    Open a word processing document and write down your reflections around one or more of the following themes in the context of care (if you didn’t talk about care or one of the questions we had on the wall, repeat the conversation on skype or talk to yourself):

1.    People on the move.

2.    Boosting one another’s mental and spiritual resilience

3.    Hacking and Making

4.    Open Science and Technologies

5.    Communities & interpersonal relationships

6.    Food cultures

3.    Copy-paste and upload your reflections here

Task#4: Frame your design challenge

Deliverable OC / HU

Time: 1 hour

Deadline: Tuesday, 12.4.

Read: HCD Field Guide p. 31-33 ( or dropbox)


1.Repeat the exercise “Frame your design challenge” by picking one of the questions from the list we came up with on day 2 ( and uploading your responses to the questions on this page:

  1. Please respond to questions and feedback in the comments as we will give you feedback on your question

  2. Refine your question by the 25.4.

Task#5: Research- General/Intuitive

Deliverable OC / HU

Time: open

Deadline: Monday 2.5. (if possible Monday 25.4.)


2.    Based on the topic and question defined in your design challenge, do online research looking for relevant and inspiring Groups, Projects, Places, Products, Technologies, Tools, Services or Infrastructures.


4.    Collect everything in a thoughtful text with images and links, if possible by 25.4.

5.    Upload the post as a first step towards building your case studies here

6.    If you want feedback, further references etc on what you presented during day 1, just upload your speaker notes- we’ll sort out the rest.

7.    Please respond to questions and feedback from your peers as well as members of the edgeryders/opencare community team who can help you to develop sharp case studies through their input

Task#6: Personal Profile on

Deliverable HU

Time: 1 minute

Deadline: Sunday, 24.4.


sign up on and we do the rest