Why are we so excited about LOTE4?
- The event is practical: We bring together people with existing problems, and promising projects And others who can help them for:
- High level trouble shooting
- Hands on work on developing existing projects and building new ones
- Discovery and exchange of cutting edge knowledge about new practices, processes, problems.
- Building new relationships, accessing new networks, and
- Collective Intelligence and horizon scanning around your organisational problem, your project or emerging topics.
- Expect one day of talking, one day of building and one day of learning (something concrete and useful to your work)
- The theme is both timely and questions are going to be very important in the near future [Collaborative Stewardship]
- Where does it all go? It depends on what you are willing to invest in
- Webinars for learning and teaching important new skills. Fund a course. Subscribe to the course (Model it on SSGs Digital Summit).
- A practical handbook on Collaborative Stewardship for practioners, both state level actors and grassroots activists. Fund a chapter. Pre-order a copy. Submit a piece. Join the editorial team.
- Impact. Become a client of the Agency= solve your own communication problems. Overhead goes into communications work for social good projects all over the world.
- Collectively intelligence and horizon scanning. Subscribe to the monthly report or commission your own.
How can you be a part of it?
You need a ticket. Tickets are neither free of charge, nor can they be bought for money. Only for makercoins. In other words: The only way to get a hold of a ticket to lote4 is to build it in collaboration with others.
You take on tasks, every time you complete a task you are compensated in Makercoins. Most tasks are done online before the event. When you have enough makercoins, you can buy a ticket to LOTE4. Or other things in the Makerfox shop
Getting started is easy:
1. Join a team. We set up a makerfox account for you when you do. [//Each team has a weekly online hangout where you can meet the others, more info on the tean group page]
Claim a task and get it done. You claim a task by assigning it to yourself. Each claimed task is entered into your Makerfox account as an offer. worth a number of makercoins, [//We need to set up a group for each team and add a URL to it from the task page!]
Tell us when you have completed it. Leave a comment on the task page telling us around how long it took you. When the task is verified as done, your makerfox account is credited with the right number of makercoins for that task.
When you have x no Makercoins you can trade them in for a lote4 ticket. Or anything else available in the shop!
How to get a Makerfox account? We automagically set one up for you when you join a team.
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