Burning questions on the restyling of the common spaces and moving the laundry

Hello, I am quite opinionated about common spaces and would like some information before we decide on this, so I can come prepared.

  1. Can @reef-building explain the process whereby it became clear that the guest room would not fit in the Reef zone after all? It seems quite the oversight. Note that this happened after a controversial decision to separate the common spaces, where the joining together of the reeflings-only living room and the guest room was a major advantage (it becomes almost a “guest suite”). You could even argue we made that decision under incomplete information.
  2. Do we still need a local technique next to a living room, in the event that the guest room were moved?
  3. Can we reclaim some space from I1 (too big for a 1-bedroom, difficult to sell) and attach it to the Reef zone, so we can keep the guest room back in Idefix?
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hi @alberto ,

sorry about answering you only now.

  1. The current document that is prepared for the PM of 25/01 talks about 3 possibilities. On of them is putting the guestroom in the reefzone. As explained in the document, the way the architects have foreseen it for now (guestroom in the reefzone) is via a seperation with a curtain, which is clearly something we don’t want.

  2. Yes, we do

  3. I1 is currently a 2 bedroom and after asking and reasking the architects they don’t want to cut off any m2 of the I2.

I can’t find any of the correspondence in the mailbox. Can you explain why this is (and also where I can find the correspondence)?

there were again issues with the architects communicating with edgeryders, so strongly recommend for an online info session asap
the first communication i forwarded to the general mailbox, but lack of time prevented me to continue to do this, i did it now. They should be all in the S+F subfolder.
@Sarah did a lot of calling with francois as well the last few days and she shared the info with me, so not sure you will find all the info back in the mails.

sarah and me are still planning to share some of this info on er…

Replied to François yesterday, but cannot find any issue on our side.

A simple solution here (and also our internal agreement, see the Onboarding Manual) is to put the common mailbox in cc of each and every email that you send in relation to The Reef.

I am waiting for the meeting on Tuesday and then I’ll take this on.