Call for motivated cooks: propose your recipe and cook it @ LOTE!

Mercimek corbasi - Lentil Soup (Vegan)

I was in Instanbul last week and i was amazed by this super-easy recipe (that i already cooked back home). The recipe for 4 people is:

1 big potato

1 carrot

100gr of red lentils

1/2 onion

1/2 lemon

100gr of tomato soup

10 mint leaves




So if we have 120 people > we need this quantities multiplied by 30.

30 big potato (4 kg)

30 carrot (3kg)

3kg of red lentils

1kg onion

15 lemons

3 bottle of tomato soup (1 lt each)

10 mint leaves sticks

Oil (1 lt)



Because is an hot soup maybe is better in the evening?


Starter or main dish?

Hey Matteo

Are you calculating that soup as a starter? Or as a main dish?

Trying to calculate my sweet potatoe meal, I noticed I end up with about 4 times of your amount of ingredients … :slight_smile:

And now I’m trying to find the bug … is it my russian roots that try to feed entire Brussels? Or maybe you didn’t plan

for the soup to be the only dish for 120 people? Because when I think of my 5-kg-bag of red mercimek at home,

I can’t even imagine that this would be enough for 120 people to cook mercimek corbasi for …

Thanks and afiyet olsun (soon!)


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Hey Kaja,

it’s definitively a starter!

Would be happy to contribute my culinary skills to feed all

My suggestion for a simple lunch dish is the following:


  • 2.5kg red lentils
  • 2.5kg Yellow (or other lentils)
  • 4.5kg diced butternut squash
  • 1litre olive oil
  • 8 chopped red onions
  • 4  large ginger, minced
  • 3 garlic bulbs, minced
  • 5 tblspoons ground turmeric
  • 100g salt
  • 20 fresh red chillis
  • 100g cumin seeds
  • 18kg raw spinach (or about 10kg Kale) or a mixture
  • OPTIONAL, yet I highly recommend
  • 1 bunch of fresh curry leaves
  • 100g mustard seeds

I like to serve this with a little salty mushroom topping to add some extra protein/flavour.

This would need:

1.5kg Mushrooms chopped

1 bottle soy sauce

I have scaled this up from a 4 person recipe so some ingredients may not all be needed. I notice that there is quite a lot of overlap with other dishes proposed here though so that would work out.

Its a great little flavourful dish thats great for vegetarians and vegans, and light enough for lunch one day.


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Dear guys,

so first of all, I LOVE the recipe Titus130,

heres my suggestion of one of my favorite vegan recipes as I think that a stew or a soup would be the best idea. In this recipe youll have the starches to satisfy the hunger, the protein wich keep you full for a while and the acid for a fruity note.

So this is for 6-8 people but Im gonna post the ingredients for 120 later on. Just so youll have a short impression of my idea.

L e m o n

C h i c k p e a

L e n t i l

S o u p

1 tbsp Olive Oil

2 cups onion (diced)

1 1/2 cups celery (diced)

3 large gloves garlic (minced)

3/4 tsp sea salt

freshly ground pepper

1 tsp mustard seeds

1 tsp cumin seeds

1 1/2 tsp paprika

1/2 tsp dried oregano

1 tsp dried thyme

1 cup (preferably dry) lentils

3 1/2 cups cooked chickpeas

2 cups zucchini or tomatoes (or both) (chopped)

3 cups vegetable stock

2 cups water

2 dried bay leaves (optional)

1/4 - 1/3 cup lemon juice

Cheers, Theresa

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So much food :slight_smile:

Nice to meet you @resa! Between you, @Alex_Levene and the rest it seems we’re gonna be stuffed :smiley:

Not sure how you will schedule the cooking, as @ireinga is manning this.

Just a thought: maybe there’s a way that we do a buffet too (at least once) to avoid overcrowding the kitchen. That way, everyone brings smaller quantities from home (up to 10 portions) that can be heated if needed. Friday and Saturday are when most people will be in.

Are you based in Brussels? If so, don’t miss the Apero on Feb 11th @ Le Space. See you soon!

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Hi @resa,

Hi @Resa,

I want to use your juice/water from the chickpeas to make vegan chocolate mouse. I was wondering if you would cook the chickpeas yourself or if you would go for tinned peas?

How much will you be cooking?

Cheers, Merel

Hi @Merel

Thanks for the details about the recipe :slight_smile: I’ve seen you postponed your dessert to Friday at lunch. I would have liked to serve it on Thursday night (a dinner calls a dessert :P) but if you have a specific reason for it of course no problem. Just wanted to check it wasn’t an error.

See you all very soon!


The reason to postpone it is because it has to settle in a fridge for a minimum of 3 hours. Depending how quick the chickpeas are prepared it could be made in early afternoon to be served at dinner…

Just need a bit more clarity on @Resa her plans…

is a soup a good idea?

@Noemi Yes, i thought about the same. it`ll also be way easier to cook for a smaller amount of people. But would you say that the recipe is good or should it be more like finger food to create a lager variation for the buffet?

I am currently based in Brussels but im also travelling between Germany and here, so ill be not sure to join next week.

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Soup and finger food

Are the best solution for lunch. Indeed.

Thursday night before the FuckUp Night we will have more time for more elaborated quality kitchen time :slight_smile:

@Kaja is already up for a vegan sweetpotatoe-peanutbutter-dish, @Alex Levene is on SPINACH/Kale AND BUTTERNUT SQUASH DAAL, and @Merel a chocolate mousse. Add a salad and it sounds like a menu to me :)  @Matteo_Uguzzoni and @resa  's soup could also be cooked on Thursday afternoon in order to have them already for Friday lunch?

@Iriedawta  delicious Syrian finger food might come together with the soups maybe on Friday? Otherwise Saturday it’s also an option since on Friday Anna already has her session.

Let me know your thoughts but as a recap the Food Team is in action: Thur 25 dinner, Fri 26 lunch, Sat 27 lunch, Sun 28 lunch. Pick your favorite!

25/02 dinner

26/02 lunch

27/02 lunch

28/02 lunch

25/02 dinner

26/02 lunch

27/02 lunch

28/02 lunch

25/02 dinner

26/02 lunch

27/02 lunch

28/02 lunch

25/02 dinner

26/02 lunch

27/02 lunch

28/02 lunch

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Very happy to do the cooking on the Thursday night.

What better way to get to know people than by cooking and sharing food with them?!

Happy to cook on Friday! I think I will still have time to prepare for my session after lunch, so no problem @ireinga :-)

kitchen party


In some place on this forum (I always lose track on where which info mosaic stone can be found …) I wrote I’d prefer to cook on thursday.

But I don’t really mind, unless it’s sunday, which won’t work. I will most probably wander around with the storytelling group, so no cooking for me on sunday. :slight_smile:

Apart from that, I’m flexible.



Just wanted to say I love this thread

nom nom nom nom. Will be a spontanous kitchen help on location other work with LOTE5 commitments allowing. <3


Soup for Fridays lunch sounds good for me

But to summarize it: Are we gonna prepare it at home or are we gonna cook it at the place itself and are we sticking with one dish per meal or more like a buffet?

I mean one soup for 150 people or less?

Made a plan for food!

Hello inspired cooks!

I’ve just been through all your recipes and had a hard time postponing my late lunch, all looks delicious :) @resa @Matteo_Uguzzoni @Iriedawta @Merel @Kaja @Carolina

Since time goes by as fast as Belgian rain I hear on my window, it’s time to fix some last details about our cooking efforts.

I would like all of you to:

1- check the ingredients and quantities I wrote on the page “ingredients” of this file:

I had to come up with a price/person per recipe so big time looking for the price details of all your ingredients (I did the exercise with the prices of a Belgian chain called Colruyt cause they have alla prices online, not a big supporter of doing all the groceries there though).

2- write down on the page Inhouse cooks of the same file when you would like to cook and where and which specific equipment you would need if you want to cook at the venue.

3- check the schedule of your “plate” (Inhouse cooks), soups and others can be done of course also some days before being served so just leave a comment if you’d prefer to serve your creation on another day.

4- In case you are up to join the crew for groceries (probably on Wedn 24th) you’ll be our hero! Just let us know if you are in town by replying in a comment.

Thanks and hope this is clear, just get in contact for any questions!

Happy we :slight_smile:

Tabouleh is best when served fresh so idk how I need to manage participating in this workshop and chopping parsley crying @ireinga

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Urgh let’s see

Maybe an idea is to switch the tabouleh and other Syrian plates (hummus and veggie tagines?) with the Croque Madame? Persil chopping personally takes me ages :S @Carolina @Evamus

Is hummus and veggie tagines still on the plan btw?

Ok for Saturday! Do let me

@ireinga Ok for Saturday if it’s ok for the girls?

Do let me know how many tagine pots(preferably used ones as the new ones need special treatment at least a day in advance and the first tagine cooked in the new pot is not the best) you can get and I will add the ingredients accordingly(one pot can serve approx. 4 pax).

As for the hummus, we need a food processor, is it feasible?