Calling all changemakers!

You are invited to come to GAS 2016, St-Imier Switzerland, where we want to co-create a culture inspired by permaculture principles.

On the weekend of September 16-18 we will meet for the 5th time in the tradition of our Beau-Sejour gatherings. This year we want to gather our abundant energies to power something we are calling a “synergy hub” and change the world together.

We will also celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Occupy movement on September 17th. The occupy movement has brought about a solid network that is collaboratively building towards nothing less than a new and better society.

With the synergy hub network, we are setting up a platform available to you and your projects to connect locally and globally with like-minded people. GAS 2016 is an opportunity to self-organize and coordinate this powerful cultural change that we are igniting this autumn.

Whether you are a change maker or want to become one, whether you are Occupy, Transition, Maker, Hacker, Peer-to-peer, Next Edge, Edgeryder, anarcho-this or anarcho-that, social entrepreneur, artist, philanthropist, guerrilla gardener, insider, outsider, this-activist or that-activist, this call is a personal invitation to you.

Fill in the registration form to join us this September on Mont-Soleil, above St-Imier, in the Jura mountains of Switzerland.

For GAS16, we will bridge together offline and online participation. So, you can also sign up to join us online via tools such as Telegram, Zoom and Trello.


16th, 17th, 18th September 2016


La Décentrale, Mont Soleil, Switzerland

Map and directions

Participation is limited. Reservation required.

Accommodation available upon request.

Please contact:

+41 329 41 41 41

Registration fee:

Friday through Sunday: 1200 Faircoins or CHF/EUR 64.-

Sunday only: 300 Faircoins or CHF/EUR 16.-

Limited, conditional sponsorships available.

Registration form

Preliminary program:

Friday, September 16

10h (optional)

Open Space sessions for development of Workshop topics

16h - 18h (everybody)

Last arrivals of participants.

18h - 19h

Buffet Canadien

19h - 20h

Short presentation of the proposed topics, followed by forming groups of participants for Saturday’s workshops.

20h - 23h

Film in the Salle Principale:

Fall and Winter (English with Spanish subtitles)

Film on the upper floor:

En quête de sens (French with German subtitles)

Both films followed by open discussion.

Saturday, September 17

10h - 19h

Open Space workshops in the working groups developed together on Friday

Followed by the evening meal and a full moon night around the fire, celebrating the 5th Occupy anniversary with a healthy dose of music

Sunday, September 18

10h - 12h

Presentation of workshop results and directions

12h - 14h

Gathering Meal

14h (open end)

Open invitation to gather for informal sharing, with acoustic music.

Thanks for the invite!

@rainbowheart welcome to Edgeryders. Time is of essence here as the event is in Sept, but I for one will have a look.

This post could probably go better in the Agora group since that one looks more like an announcement board, so I’m reallocating it.

If you feel like sharing a personal introduction and how you became involved with Decentralize Now, feel free to do so, again by Telling your story.


thanxxx naomi and YES we are inviting those who wish to to join us also online thru the occupy cafe and - for those who want to make the pilgrimage  to switzerland the best way to get here is thru BASEL- flix bus also go to zurich…from the UK and of course EASY JET. - if you want to offset carbon then bla bla cars is good to use- although form london its aorund a 20 hour drive- depending how you drive. …and of course if you dont want to contribute to global warming at all you can join us online as we will be opening up the majority of the confernece to online participants…and once again…thanks for helping us to spread the word!