Can we create a visualisation to give an overview of the project and how its components fit together?

All over the world people are building a new world together. You are an important part of this shared journey.

Amazing projects demonstrate hope for the future and visions of the world which is possible when we work together. unMonasteries, Open Source Solar trackers, Network bartering algorithms, Viral academies, urban gardens and many many more. Many people living their dreams together are changing the world, one creative initiative at a time. UNDP in collaboration with Edgeryders wants to collect examples of these important green shoots in Armenia, Georgia and Egypt. And you can be a part of making it happen!

Please tell us about the amazing things you and your friends are doing, or have visited, so that we can showcase the innovation which is shaping a new way of making our way in the world.

We are interested in new kinds of [employment, social enterprises and other projects which embody new values, cultural centres, galleries, projects and teams]. If it’s a place that people can visit, so much the better - take a tour in your own city or town or while you are travelling, and see some of the New Planet.

Where does this all go?

A Tour bringing together people doing inspiring things in Armenia, Egypt and Georgia.

Rather than working in a top- down manner, we prefer it if people active on the local scene are involved in shaping the from the beginning. The contents of the workshop will be heavily based on the online discussion. So we are making a budget available to people who can help build engagement and drive participation in the online platform ahead of, during and after the tour.

If you know of people doing interesting work in either of the three countries (maybe you are one of them), are active in the local scene as well as on social media and speak either Arabic, Armenian or Georgian leave a comment below introducing yourself. Don’t forget to tell us what you are currently working on. But be quick, we are launching the initiative within the next two weeks. The sooner you get involved, the more you will benefit from the experience.

A useful online knowledge resource, mutual support community and collaboration opportunities for and by change-makers.

After the tour, we envision the online contributions to be further developed into individual articles (2500 words), meant for publication in an e-book for and by participants. Each article selected for publication in the e-book will be paid for.

A limited number of selected contributors to the online conversation and local workshops of the tour will be invited to an international conference in Georgia with their travel expenses covered by Edgeryders.

The conference is a unique opportunity for people doing interesting work in your community to come together with peers from other parts of the world, inspire one another and help each other.

All the comments and reactions in this project group will be valid submissions for a workshop invitation, provided they are published before March 28. The more relevant your comment, and the more active you are in the conversation, the better.

If you want to be a part of this, join this project group and reply to one of the calls for participation (you need to be signed into the platform).