Hello, we just received another announcement from the CAPSSI projects newsletter - a CAPSSI community workshop will be held in Bratislava, on September 28th. Are we participating?
Here is the announcement (Link here):
The first CAPSSI Community Workshop will be held in Bratislava on the 28th September 2016 (just after the ICT 2016 Proposers’ Day). This event will create opportunities for networking with other CAPS projects but, most importantly, to map your needs in terms of knowledge and networking, discuss common challenges and exchange experience gained so far with other active players in the community so as to identify collaboration opportunities.
The workshop will be highly interactive and make use of participatory methods to be able to involve all participants as active contributors. We expect project coordinators and any other partner in your consortium to attend and contribute to actively animate discussions.
Registration is for free, but needed as places are limited. Still some places left!