Chaos Communication Camp 2019 (Now is the time to submit your proposals!)

Posting the CCC call for contributions here as the call just opened.

There are always people from the Edgeryders scene at both congress and camp. When there is money to do so the Edgeryders org tries to help cover some of the costs for those who want to go in exchange for sharing what you learn with others who cannot go. This is usually in the form of a thoughtful post on the platform summarising interesting projects, discussions you heard or participated in like this one @Yannick did for another event a while back: RE:PUBLICA - What I learned about Cities as open systems, political memes, makerplaces and migration due to loss of habitat

So if you want to go with a crew or as a community reporter, letā€™s organise something together. leave a comment below or DM me if you prefer :slightly_smiling_face:

Call for Participation: Chaos Communication Camp 2019

The Chaos Communication Camp in Mildenberg is an open-air hacker camp and party that takes place every four years, organized by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC). Thousands of hackers, technology freaks, artists and utopians get together for five days in the Brandenburg summer ā€“ to communicate, learn, hack and party together.

We focus on topics such as information technology, digital security, hacking, crafting, making and breaking, and we engage in creative, sceptical discourse on the interaction between technology and society.

Weā€™d love to see your submission for these tracks:

  • Arts & Culture,
  • Ethics, Society & Politics,
  • Hardware & Making,
  • Security & Hacking,
  • Science.

Apart from the official conference program on the main stages, the Chaos Communication Camp also offers space for community villages, developer and project meetings, art installations, lightning talks and numerous workshops (called ā€œself-organized sessionsā€).

Lightning talks

Got something interesting to say but donā€™t want to submit a full talk? Consider doing a lightning talk instead! You will have five minutes to present your ideas or projects ā€“ or just to rant, if you need to vent. A formal submission through our submission system (called ā€žfrabā€œ) is not required; as usual, the lightning talks are organized via our public wiki. Lightning talks can be held in German or English and will be streamed, recorded and published (see below).

For projects, installations, workshops, sessions hosted in assemblies and other fun stuff is no formal submission through frab required. There will be a wiki page to keep track of requirements for space and other resources. Simply start already considering now what you would like to make, bring, or show, and write it down once the wiki goes online.

Dates & deadlines

  • May 22th, 2019: Call for Participation
  • June 11th, 2019 (23:59 CEST): Deadline for submissions
  • July 10th: Notification of acceptance
  • August 21st ā€“ 25th, 2019: Chaos Communication Camp at Ziegeleipark Mildenberg

Submission guidelines for talks

All lectures need to be submitted to our conference planning system under the following URL: frab - home.

Please follow the instructions there. If you have any questions regarding the submission, you are welcome to contact us via mail at

Please send us a description of your suggested talk that is as complete as possible. The description is the central criterium for acceptance or rejection, so please ensure that it is as clear and complete as possible. Quality comes before quantity. Due to the non-commercial nature of the event, presentations which aim to market or promote commercial products or entities will be rejected without consideration.

Since most participants find ā€“ or donā€™t find a lecture by its title, itā€™s important to keep your talk description precise, accessible and comprehensible. Our teams will keep a keen eye on title and subtitle and make suggestions to change them if necessary, so please avoid insider jokes and stereotypes.

As it is likely that there will be multiple submissions on the same topic, please show us exactly why your talk should be part of the conference. Remember that the teams are diversely staffed, and not every reviewer knows every submitter and their backgrounds. Please write something about yourself, your research, and your motivation. It does not matter if the talk has been held at another conference somewhere on this planet, as long as it is up to date and relevant.

Talks should be 45 minutes long and can include up to 15 minutes for questions and answers. Longer slots are possible if absolutely necessary, but should be an exception. Please take our limited amount of presentation time into consideration, check how much time you really need to bring home your points and then tell us the proposed length of your talk.


Although the Chaos Communication Camp is an international event and a lot of content is presented in English, there will again be a translation team that will simultaneously translate most German talks into English. So if you are not comfortable with presenting in English, donā€™t hesitate to present your lecture in German. If your talk will be held in English, your submission should also be in English.


Audio and video recordings of the lectures will be published in various formats at under the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). This license allows commercial use of excerpts by media institutions as part of their reporting. If you do not wish for material from your lecture to be published or streamed, please let us know in your submission.

Note: As German law (and therefore the license) might differ from the law of your country, please let us know if you have any issues or questions regarding the exact implications. Unfortunately, we canā€™t guarantee a perfect translation.

Travel, costs & visa

The Chaos Communication Camp is a great adventure for us, also financially. As weā€™re all there to have a nice time together, and split the costs, we cannot offer a different entrance fee for speakers, workshop organizers or angels. The camp is a non-commercial event where neither the organisers nor the speakers are being paid ā€“ thus, we cannot provide a free entrance ticket, even for speakers. If necessary, we are however able to provide limited support for travel costs.

If you need help applying for a visa, such as an official invitation to present to the German embassy, please let the content team know well in advance. Please be aware that the visa application procedure may take up to six weeks or longer!

Photo: Fabrizio, CC BY-SA 2.0.


The world is such a small place. I just received a demand to be the Brussels beer deliverer for Hackerspace BXL who is also attending the camp. They also say there is place in their bus and embassy tent if any edgeryders from Brussels would want to come with. Tom says hey @nadia !


Yes!! He reached out to me on another channel about whether we had vouchers. I know a couple of people who might - will check, this is something Id like to attend myself. Do you have space in the truck to give someone a ride?

Yeah, Iā€™m interested in attending. I turned in a an application to do a session in the Art & Culture track on some of the Participio tools ā€“ Dreams, Realities and our Loomio and Pretix integrations.


Ok ill ask around and see who has more vouchers in case more people xant to join. Camp is most fun if you are part of a crew and set up your own space with activities in it, or join a nice one. I really enjoyed the Belgian one - lovely, friendly people and i learned to make my own circuitboard from scratch :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: @pbihr are you going to camp?

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@nadia alas I wonā€™t be able to make it, but my good friend and long time thingscon collaborator Dries de Roeck will be there for sure, Iā€™ll hook you up!

[Sent from a mobile, please apologize the brevity and typos.]

Hey, I just discovered the event now and I have already a half-plan for these days, but thereā€™s still a potential + 3 days for submission of lecture proposal (unless I only want to give a shorter ā€˜lightning talkā€™ - as I understoodā€¦ )

Just a couple of questions if you dont mind:

  • what are those split costs?
  • are Edgeryders going together?
  • is it like the Borderland model that no ā€˜audienceā€™ and everyone is a contributor(lecturer, artists, angel)?
    Thank you


Iwona let me check who is going. Regarding content it is participatory in a similar way to borderline, though the culture/crowd is a bit different.

The split costs bit - going to camp costs: ticket + travel + food. Accomodations = bring your own tent.

We try to organise that people can carshare from brussels. Ideally people cover their own trip to brussels and we can cover the ticket fee. What we ask in exchange is that people contribute back to the community. E.g by organising a workshop or writing a thoughtful article to share what you discovered/learned during the event.


Dear @nadia, I hadnā€™t expected that, but I am very drawn to participate, thank you for a generous answer.I know Iā€™d definately love to write a post-event article. When it comes to organising a workshop: is that right that it can take various forms and last 45 min. Is that a requirement that one creates both an article AND workshop? (Ideally, Iā€™d like to do both, but - as I said - I have 24 hours to figure all out :wink:

As tomorrow is the deadline, I will be asking further questions via and hopefully find a resonant way to contribute to CCCamp. Best and maybe see you


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Hi @nadia I might be too late to ask but would it be possible to still contribute? I would propose to run a workshop based on a project of mine: [](Adventure Labs) where we would make devices to solve a puzzle or problem, introducing people to ways of making physical sensor based devices and Iā€™d happily team up with Edgeryders at this event to do that.

I could come to Brussels and I would bring all the kit to use and the planned session too (though youā€™d be welcome to contribute to the theme/content/format of the session). Would it be appropriate and would the community be interested?

I asked someone if they might have a token lying around. ā€œmaybeā€ :slight_smile:

Will keep looking, maybe you guys can ask around too using the camp hashtag on twitter or via redditt @Iwona @hugi @tomab ?

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Yup, Iā€™m asking around. No success yet. None of my usual suspects had any left.

Thank you so much Nadia and team, Iā€™ve decided to make my application/proposal in Copenhagen/Roskilde University for VR event instead - which overlaps with the Camp.

I wish you really inspiring times and hope to attend&collaborate another time.

