I like the immagines. Yes I prefer also the second one.
Maybe you would try to move al little bit on left the writtens. But Just a 1or 2 millimeters to balance it. If you have time try it and check if it works better.
[pacheca] que lindo! It’s perfect as it is. I’ll put in two other images from the LOTE3 event and then we will just have to cross finger. We won’t be selected for the graphic design - at this point. If we are shortlisted, than the Social Media strategy and graphic design become much more important, and we can be really creative as we will have to maintain momentum for 2 whole months (I was thinking we could actually create a story which evolves…). So I just download the image and upload it on the bid’s platform right?
Do you have the pictures as separate files? Can I see if I can do something too(if its ok for all of you)? I am not good at graphics but want to give it a try.
[Alberto], the BMC part is not only weak… it’s down right boring. I was missing the big picture. Something just went click in my head: I was too focused on the unMon and Matera, forgetting about the core resouce of the unMonastery: collective intelligence applied with hacker approach to problem solving.
Gimme just a couple of hours to write it out and I'll be back to you all with it for feedback. If the unMonastery is a prototype, might as well use a prototyping approach to BM design.
Concerning the rough budget, I thought about creating an online spreadsheet with voices such with different measures (not only in €, but also calories, GB, hours, kg...) dunno if that works, but it's the best thing I can think of right now.
another thing (but maybe this is more a reflection for our unArchivist [Ben]: shouldn't their be weekly session during the residencies of "building the unMon" as in budget, BMC? Something that keeps track of quantities of food, of heating, of material used and needed? Or am I going to far?
I did some work on it on the Italian Google Doc. it’s getting quite confusing, because this part is here in Italian, it’s got its own wiki on Edgeryders in English, and is also on the GDoc in Italian. I did not get to the very end, but did write the value proposition. See if you can use it.
The “in kind budget” would be really cool, but realistically you can’t do it in the time frame you’ve left. I recommend letting it go.
Che Fare Application sent 1 day and 9 hours before deadline
Thank you [Alberto] [pacheca] and all the others who made this possible: fruit of a collective effort, we now have the unMonastery also in Italian. 2 weeks of work were worth the shot! Let’s all cross fingers…
NEXT STEPS of the Che Fare contest:
9th of December: deadline
(max) 14th of January: 1st round of selection during which the jury will select up to 40 projects
15th of January: list of shortlisted projects is published --> if we are shortlisted, there is a 2 month period to get as many votes as we can!
15th of January (10 a.m. CET) to 13th of March (18 p.m. CET): registered users (with confirmation e-mail) will be able to vote their favourite project on the TIMU platform
the 8 projects which recieve the most votes will then be evaluated by the jury and only one will win the 100.000€ prize
IF WE ARE SHORTLISTED (cross fingers!!!), the Social Media Team of Edgeryders will be CRUCIAL. However, since this is a project presented with the Matera 2019 Committee we have time to design interesting communication strategies, relying also on the Committee’s media partners (for example the local TV who did the promotional video)
we will have to produce, during the 2 months, at least: 1 text, 10 images/photos, 3 multimedia clips --> if we don't we can be excluded
So let’s think positive and already start imagining… anyone in for co-leading this with me? Doing things in pairs (or trios) is much better than doing stuff alone #wellbeing