Everyone, what a great mobilization! Here’s what we need to make sure we get right before we submit next week. Add what you think is missing please! Resources (NB some docs private - for participating projects and people only):
Application here | Team Roles | Memo of Understanding | Budget (included in MoU)
Marked as done
- Change all mentions of "OpenandChange" into "Open&Change" for consistency
- Finalize the application: Exec summary
- FInalize the application: Section G Video
- Finalize the application: Section H Human subjects research
- Create additional document for Section B: Team Collaboration description
- Finalize the application: Section B YOUR TEAM + list of names to be uploaded
This involves 3 roles :
1) Steering Committee proposals:
Ybe C.
Simone de B.
Costantino B.
David J.
Bob H. L. F.
Michel B.
Babak T.
Hetal S.
Don Clark F.
Andreas K.
- ER Operations Team
Nadia EL-Imam
Alberto Cottica
Noemi Salantiu
Patrick Andrews
Natalia Skoczylas
+ applications from
Liem B. L.
Karen B.
+ project leaders who offered to be part of Operations or proposed new people (TBC!)
Ybe C.
Winnie P.
Deepak M.
Ivan E.
Atalandi A.
Alexander S.
Selene C.
Alberto R.
Jason D.
Tiberius B.
Jim A.
Abran K.
Maggie F.
Jonathan C.
- .... add here from the filled in forms
- Project Teams -
Project leader Ybe C.
Project leader Fabio B. - missing from MOU!
Project leader Olivier d F.
Project leader Dimitris P.
Project leader Rune T./ Alexander S.
Project leader Dr. Luis F.
Project leader Alberto R.
Project leader Tiberius B.
Project leader Francis C.
Project leader Niek D’H. - missing from MOU!
Project leader Ivan C. E.
Project leader Nikos N. - missing from MOU!
Project leader Thom S.
Project leader/Partner Eireann L.
- ...
Extended team WeHandU
Extended team “Let’s make home /smart community” (Simonedb)
- Upload latest version of the budget to the Memo of Understanding!
- Circulate the Budget with all signing parties!
- @ ALL PARTNERS !!! Make sure you have completed all the required steps at http://openandchange.care
- pick 3 stories and leave thoughtful comments
- sign up for 3 Mins/ Day CountOnMe to share stories on social media
- fill in the forms with activities, budget and teams!