Checklist to purchase a site


Our next milestone is purchasing a site? But what do we need to get done before we are ready to do that?

It’s a challenging question, and I believe that making a list of things to be done or clarified will help us to structure the work of the different Teams and help us to be more efficient.

Ideally I guess we would make up such a list collectively, but frankly I don’t know how to do that. So here’s what I propose based on our discussion at the previous Coordination Group meeting:

  • All Teams (except IT, Logistics and Communication Materials) have a look at the draft document (internal link) that I prepared and see whether they want to add or amend the things related to the thing they work on.
  • We have a first discussion at the plenary meeting of 28/11.
  • Based on the input from the 28/11 plenary, we adopt the proposal at the plenary of 12/12 or 10/01.

If somebody hears a calling to launch a discussion on certain issues, this can be done in the post below, though I would recommend to keep everything that needs extensive exchange and collective intelligence for a plenary meeting.


hello! is this document still on the agenda for the 28/11?

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there is a document in dutch on the legal implications of purchasing a site. Judidische gids voor… I need to find a similar doc in french. if someone has one plase do share !


We decided to slightly change the approach at the last Coordination Group meeting. I’ll post the minutes shortly.