Clearing the site

I’ll come in the afternoon.


only confirmation tomorrow morning if we’ll have a key. But it’s most likely we’ll get one.

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I have no green thumb - which I suppose in this case is perfect since we want to kill plants right ? :woman_farmer:
Don’t know how to use any garden tools.
However, I can contribute with elbow grease :slight_smile:


Hi there,

A couple of practical things, in case this could help:

  • My father has a brush cutter, and I think he can quite easily borrow the trailer (remorque) of his neighbour. If that would be possible, this may be useful to bring the debris to the recycling park?

  • If we need somebody to handle the chain saw, I could ask my foster son whether he has time and would be willing to come over.

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Can’t reach the corner bar for now
I’ll contact CBO but I’m not sure they will be open from what I can see in their website
I’ve also contacted labolo but their space is 50euros an h…

Calling @reef-external : could that be an option?


  • brush cutter: welcome and he was also speaking of a tool to cut quite thick branches also welcome => can you or alberto bring this to the site on saturday morning? You can bring it also to the presentation on Thursday

the architects indicated the debris can stay on the site, so wouldn’t go driving to recycling parks

for the key: your father indicated that it is very likely we’ll have the key. Confirmation tomorrow morning => if we get the key, he will give it to you => can you bring it to the presentation on Thursday evening or give it to Alberto (if you wouldn’t come to Jette in the morning)?

Chris will handle the chainsaw, he says that shouldn’t be a problem with his leg-thing

It’s not fully clear yet how the key and the cutter will make it to my place, but I’m sure it will work out.

For the Q&A I would really like to stick to doing it online though. It makes things much easier for me.

hi @reeflings

We have a key for Saturday, so this is happening on Saturday, starting from 10:00.
(i am here only talking about the practical stuff, sarah/chris will take up the more social part i think…)

  • the job that needs to be done
    We need to clear part of the site for
    – the geometer/land surveyor which needs to take measurements of the site, heights of the neighbouring buildings => yellow paths of 1 meter large on the picture below
    – a machine with rubber tires (2 m wide and 3 m high) => orange paths of 2,5 meter large on the picture below. the red dots are where the soil samples need to be taken. This can still be moved a bit
    We don’t need to evacuate the garden waste, so we’ll need to find a spot near the entrance where we can store it and were it won’t be in the way
    The owner will evacuate the other rubbish on the site, by the time we sign the act.

  • What tools we’ll have
    – I now rented 2 bush cutters (electric ones) and a chainsaw
    – I’ll bring a ladder, 2 wheelbarrows, a pitchfork, 2 digging forks, a spade, a saw, a pruning lopper, several pair of gloves, some meters
    – the neighbour with the key might have some tools as well that we can use
    – lee’s father might have a bush cutter and a pruning lopper
    – Because I rented the tools last minute, they didn’t have everything available in one shop.
    1 bush cutter is to be picked up on friday afternoon before 15:30 at Loxam (Chaussée de Vilvorde 152, 1120 Neder-Over-Heembeek). It’s reserved on my name: Els Vandewalle, nothing paid yet. => Could somebody have time to pick this up on friday afternoon before 15:30? and/or bring it back on monday morning (i can do it worst case scenario. I am least available on Monday to bring it back)

  • What to bring
    – Bring some rain protection. The weather looks quite ok for Saturday, but you never know
    – If you have working gloves, a meter (2m or larger), a saw,… bring them along

  • Other info
    – In the end, there won’t be any exploring members joining, the Q&A will happen online, by Lie
    – I have no idea how long this will take, so for the people joining in the afternoon, keep an eye on the signal chitchatters group
    – I have a friend in the neighbourhood where we can charge the batteries of the bush cutters, if necessary
    – I will meet with a neighbour who has a key. Maybe we can make a copy on Saturday?

Screenshot 2024-06-19 131303


Thanks Els !

I remember you saying that the chainsaw was battery operated (which I didn’t know was a thing), and we could charge it at your friend’s place, but if the bush cutters are electric, we won’t be able to plug them in anywhere on site, unless we have a generator…

I’ll also bring some gloves, a saw, pruning shears (big and small), a spade, a fork and a couple of rakes…

There might be some from the presentation tomorrow, who are keen enough to fill in the survey, attend the Q&A with Lie and then head to the site for clearing/picnic…


no, it’s the bush cutters that are electric, on batteries (not with a cable). I didn’t ask for the chainsaw, i don’t think that exists on batteries…
I also asked yesterday on the phone about the batteries: we get some spare ones and a charger with it, so that’s all ok.
Just checked the site of Loxam about the chainsaw, they have on ‘essence’ and also on batteries, so not a problem neither…
If you want me to pass by your place on saturday, to pick up the tools (and yourself), let me know… (only place for one extra person…)

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All good!
Battery-powered bush cutters with spares and charging units is perfect.
The chainsaw will definitely need to be ‘essence’ and not ‘electirc’. If it is essence, we will need some petrol mix if it’s 2 stroke, or some petrol and oil if it’s 4-stroke. We’ll also need some chain oil. I imagine they will give us all those when we get it.
Do you have any ear protectors? I’ll buy some cheap ones if not…

That would be great!

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too late to call today, i’ll try tomorrow but don’t know if i’ll have time. Anyway, we cannot cancel it anymore. The neighbour with the key might have one as well, and if i have time i can try ‘chant de cailles’ if they have one and i can borrow it. But time is a bit lacking so don’t know if i will be able to manage all that…
For the oil => i guess they will give the necessary (i’ll ask) and if not, we can go to a brico or sth.
I have ear protectors, but they are not that good. I’ll bring them anyway…

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I can take it on Friday during my lunch break (I saw they’re closed between noon-1PM)^^
But impossible for me to bring it back on Monday morning. Anyone else for the turn back way?^^

I know a good locksmith near our house and our house is at 10 min. max by bicycle. So I could take a break during our work Saturday and go make a copy. But I don’t know if we have the right to do it? Do we need the autorization of the seller? (I don’t know if we already have the right to go when we want on the site.)

As tools, I can bring:

  • a stepladder
  • a big ladder
  • several gloves
  • a saw
  • pruning shears (big and small)
  • a spade

For the stepladder and the big ladder: could you please confirm if they are needed? I have no car so I will have to organize myself to bring them (no problem to do several ways if we need them, but I just need to know).

If the weather is not too bad, our son would also come to help (at least a part of the day^^) :slight_smile:


I think with one ladder it should be ok, so no need to bring extra ones. If we would need it anyway, we can always take my car to go and pick it up…
You will also be bringing the bush cutter. If needed (so not to have to arrange for a car), you can leave the spade as well. The pruning shears could be useful though, gloves as well and saw…

I wouldn’t confide much on what is said on the website. They should be open to 17:00 according to the website, but on the phone he said they were only open till 16:30, so best call.
We would need one bush cutter with a cord, and one with blades. On the phone he told me one can be adjusted to either => can you ask to have one with cords (and ask for spare cords).
If any questions, call me : 0485 70 42 20
Be aware they will probably ask a deposit (if i remember well it’s about 200 euro’s).
Ask an invoice if you need to pay when picking up, you can put it on my name
Els Vandewalle, Ch. de la hulpe 285, 1170 Watermael-Boitsfort.


Thanks Els for all the organising!

Re the more social aspects, at this point it’s a bit hard to plan… some weather forecasts say bad and rain, others nice and sun. Not sure who to believe.
The nicest option would of course be being able to just have a picnic there… So maybe let’s get ready to do that, but also have a back up plan. We might need to keep the plan flexible until the last min really…

So a call to @reeflings:

  • can you tell us what you could contribute to a day at the site; most wanted items would be: tonnelle/gazebo +++, foldable tables and chairs, covers to sit on… and anything else you might think of… You can fill in this sheet but let me know on signal if you have a gazebo, cause that would be much needed…
  • can you confirm below if you would like a seat hold for you if we are having an inside lunch
  • do you have recommendations in the neighbourhood? Acropolis seems to be closed, as well as jalebi, and the Georgian restaurant Sophie talked about is fully booked…

Let me know if you see anything else that needs attention!

I’d be joining an inside lunch
  • Yes please
  • Not this time
0 voters

i will be able join you around 12:30, i hope there is still some work to do and i am not too late