Closed accounts 2023, tax return 2023 and GA to approve them

This post concerns the approval of the final accounts for 2023, and the tax return we owe to the Belgian state. Full members have the right and duty to approve them; everyone has the right to see the numbers for transparency.

@reef-full, please read carefully and follow the instructions.


In 2023, the ASBL’s revenues derived from full membership fees; annual membership dues (from all members, both associate and full); and from some contributions to the activities. For example, The Reef buys a course, but then Reeflings contribute by paying the association back.

The ASBL’s costs derive from our activities: meetings, courses and trainings, organizing presentations etc. The largest cost items are associated with trainings and with paying our coach (consultancy).

Like in 2022, costs were entirely covered by the annual membership dues and the contribution of the members to the activities. The full membership fees were set aside to pay for feasibility studies, of which, however, we did not do any in 2023.

In sum, we were a healthy little ASBL. Good on us!

What we need to do

We need to enter a tax return relative to the impôt des personnes morales. We will not have to pay anything as our revenues are not imposable, and I can take care of the paperwork. However, the tax return requires the minutes of the GA where we approve the closed accounts for 2023. I am asking @Lee to reserve 5 minutes for this in the 16 Dec plenary. We should not need more, as we do quarterly presentations on accounts, and because the documents in question are available in this post. So just a round of questions and one of consent.


The tax return is now complete. A receipt is on Nextcloud in this folder.