CoderDojo: from unMonastery to Matera, a story of inclusive, collaborative, fun learning

CoderDojo is a non profit global movement founded by James Whelton and Bill Liao started in 2011 (see here for the complete story ). The aim of the movement is to encourage creativity in young people (from 7 to 17 years old) teaching them how to code, develop apps, programs, games and explore technology.

In the session we will explain not only what CoderDojo means and how it is possible to teach coding to young people having fun, but we’ll also tell the story of CoderDojo Matera ( ), from its birth (the first CoderDojo was held @unMonastery) to the Big CoderDojo of the 4th of October. It’s a story of success and failure, but first of all it’s a story of people that are trying to change something starting from the bottom.

In the session we’ll discuss not only what we have done, but also about what could be the next steps in the project.

If you want to have a flavor of what we are talking about watch this: 

Date: 2014-10-24 13:30:00 - 2014-10-24 13:30:00, Europe/Rome Time.


Definitely a highlight!

@Azzurra hi and thanks for making this official, we’ll surely make this session be a core of the Lote4 program and I was wondering if you have an idea of how many people in your team will join us at Lote4.

I already wrote to @mikelantonio to say hi :slight_smile:

Ciao @Noemi,

Ciao @noemi,

do you mean how many people from our CoderDojo group?

I am organized the session with @piersoft and Vincenzo. @piersoft told me he is available only on friday due to other commitments. So, I would like to ask you to keep the session on friday in the afternoon.

I have a doubt about the session: should it be in english, italian or both (maybe english with translation)?




That’s also one of the reasons I was asking about how many in your team will join the session. If you can do English it would be great, if there will be many Italians we’ll go bilingual, no? Meaning they will speak in Italian and someone in the room will live translate. @La_Gaia for instance offered to help with that since she speaks Italian too… and possibly others too.

Looking forward to this!


ok @noemi, I do not have any problem speaking in english, but it would be good to have someone that could help me in the translation process if needed.

At the moment we are still in the process of deciding what to do exactly in the session, as you probably can imagine we are still “recovering” :slight_smile: from the big coderdojo of the 4th of October and from the visiting of EU commission.

I’ll let you know once we are all set. Last question: the session will last for 1hour, right?

Organizing the session


I can help organizing the session and of course take part of it!