Cohousing in milano

Great news ! Is the social network opened to Italian citizens only ?

I’d love to join, too,  and have the chance to meet my future neighbours.


everything is still do be done…

i have a italian webstire but its only a splashpage…i feel we should ahve the same model, spread out thru europe…but anycase…evertìything should be done from zero

well in the practical…in the real things here we have developed a lot of idea and elements from legal to finance etc…to workflow model to enomics and sustainability…

think about it…see in S.


anyone interested in co-housing in Venice?

Dear Simone,

I live in cohousing in Seattle, Washington, USA, and I will be visiting Venice soon. Do you know anyone there who is interested in co-housing? I am delighted to read that you have succeeded in Milano! I have read a little bit about CoHabitando, CoAbitare and Cohousing Venture.

I’m not sure if you will see this post, so I will wait to write more about my co-housing community when I get a reply.

regards, Catherine

I know someone there

hey Catherine,

TAMassociati is an architectural studio that has recently designed 2 cohousing and their base is in Venice.

One cohousing is in the Venice area, it is in Treviso ( and the other is very close to Bologna. They both started the construction phase in January so they’re in an advanced phase of development.

If you’re interested in connecting with these realities I can put you in touch with this studio, just contact me at


ciao catherine

of course i

ciao catherine

of course i read it!

let me know…why so inerested in cohosuing in italy?

actually many are growing in center italy and also other 3-4 nearby milano area, spontaneous opne, not lead by consultancy companies.


thanks for replies

Dear Simone,

I live in cohousing in Seattle   and I would like to talk with people in or near Venice who are living in cohousing, or interested. I will be in Venice during the month of September. Will you give me your email address?

And Giacomo, I will reply via your gmail.

To be a traveler can be challenging, and especially I imagine people in Venice or nearby may feel that talking to another tourist is not interesting. So I try to do a little communicating in advance to see if there are people who might enjoy talking with me.

mille grazie, Catherine