my friend, this is a brief report about something i did and i currently live.
started in 2006 in the north area of Milano, we created in 2010 the first Italian "official " cohousing. Located in Milano Bovisa neightboorhood. pls note that there are already many experiences of “living together communities” who shares time, tools, resources, values and so on, in Italy too. but usually they have a identity origin (religion, politics, ideology. family…
in this experience community came during the process and is based on light identity, sharing, supporting, liking, saving…the
starting with: 1 a real estate project for 32 apartments to be done. 12 families who agrees to start the adventure and pay for it signing a contract (normal one), we then spent about 12 months knowing each others and projecting home and shared places…results is: beautiful garden, poli functional living room (kitchen, parties, movies, meeting…)hobby room, laundry, terrace and swimming pool…lowest energy impact as possible…in a very modern and Nordic looking style.
thru the time…24 months…other families joined and community is completed before work ends. so its more than 2 years we gave been living here…kids play together, family know, we see moving, talk about the world, make painting, yoga, sports activities for us and neighborhood, keep on sharing about all liked to living, sharing knowledge and free time, cooking courses, teaching each other what we know, playing with kids and cats, we have a mailing list for support and communication, all the telephone numbers and online shared place for info, request, tool, objects to share and use, we created purchased group on food and others (possible car but is difficult)…and some of us are also projecting to make this experience grow and support other groups to do more…actually people come to our place to know each other in order to see if they manage to do something similar…but is difficult to find real estate project and funding…we will see…anyone can help?