I came accross the Journées Portes Ouvertes of Habitat Participatif France. There are 2 days of visits in Lille, with 6 cohousing presented, on the 23rd and 24th of September.
At least one of them is an inclusive cohousing, I didn"t have time to check for the others.
If you want more info, you can check the descriptions on the HPeN website.
Anybody would be interested to go?? It could also be a nice pretext for a city trip…
I am not 100% sure yet that we would be going, but I thought I would share anyway
I am now going back to my hollidays, and will be checking in again after the 21st, but you can start posting if you are interested!
Reigniting this discussion as the training day won’t happen that weekend… Sorry for the kinda last minute, this had slipped out of my priority list…
Here is a little poll to see who would be interested for all or part of the visits!