[collecting stories] 1st Challenge for the team: How do you care?

Dear colleagues, if you’ve been following developments in the OpenCare community space you should see that the Challenges are up. Challenges are project briefs asking the community to share personal and projects stories on key areas that we’ve agreed on.

The first challenge is general and accessible. It asks : How are you giving and receiving care?

Read the brief carefully. Ideally all of us should answer this by publishing our own story; alternatively, it can be the story of a project, person that you know and can be an opencare inspiration.

To make it easier for those not used to writing or putting pieces of who we are out there online, I am making myself available to have an informal conversation with you, transcribe it and edit it in order to become a story ready to publish - in a format we agree on together.

I have set up a doodle to schedule conversations, go ahead and pick a slot!

PS If you know people with stories worth telling, people who you think must be part of OpenCare, get in touch. These contributors from now until summer will become elligible for Fellowships, so there will be great opportunities for them if they make this first step.

Have an informal conversation and see if it leads to a story

I was thinking that maybe @moushira would be up for having a chat with me about our personal stories and ask each other questions. Then we can turn them each into a challenge response.

In light of our conversation earlier this week, maybe we can learn something about engagement by doing this exercise, and in turn see how to support others turn their stories into contributions. How about that?

Sounds interesting @Noemi, lets find time to talk.

Gentle reminder to opencare team: please post your stories.

How else can we inspire people to post on an online platform if we’re not signaling trust by sharing our own experiences?

Ping also @Franca, would you be up for writing about your 10 year experience of working with refugees? It would be great to have another Italian story which we can translate in more languages…