Common spaces helping circle - June 2024

i reviewed it as well, only did minor changes.

Thanks for that! I think it could be relevant to have the proper numbers, so personnally I would update the document and include it in our new doc as well. i’ve already started editing it, crossing off the responses from people who left (it might be interesting to leave them though, they might have interesting suggestions ? ). I also added Lie’s contribution as it wasn’t in (answer 3 was the same as 1/2)
Small question: @els, did you count 2 votes for each items that ugne and manuel mentionned?

I have gone through the document and made some edits, taking into accounts the different comments. It’s still quite long, and I might not have found the perfect answers, so feel free to keep going at it :slight_smile:

Getting there!!

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yes, i did.
And when people e.g. said i want a multipurpose room with kitchen: i put 1 ‘I’ for multipurpose room in priority 1 column, and 1’I’ for kitchen in priority 2 column (and for the next priority mentionned, moved to priority 3 column), i don’t know if i am clear…

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added the new table (without seb, aline, caro and quentin)


Shouldn’t it be in the priority 1 though? People meant they want both as a priority no? But it probably doesn’t do much difference, so maybe not a big deal…

We wanted to do some more editing tonight but ran out of time, we’ll have to finish it in the morning.
When editing I think I deleted some comments by mistake. I think I had taken into account all the comments that were there when I first worked on it, but if you have made a comment recently, maybe check if it’s still there.

That was an option as well, but then some people get to put down more ‘top 1’ priorities then others…
And indeed, i guess it doesn’t make much difference, the ‘non negociables’ are clear…
Thanks …

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Hi all !
I’ve taken the liberty of moving this helping circle to its own thread…
The post we’ve been preparing is about to go up :slight_smile:


Hi fellow helping circle members !

The post is up and running. I had to make some decisions about what to include and what not to, purely because there was no more time to discuss and edit together. I hope that most of the comments have been taken into consideration, and that it properly respects our collaborative process :slight_smile:

It’s already a lot of info, so I have moved everything about functionality to a separate document, as this will either need to be a post in itself, or a document to inform a plenary discussion, or the framework for part of a workshop. Depending on what we decide to do regarding the next steps when we meet on Monday evening at the plenary, we can perhaps meet together (online or in person) and think about how to facilitate this aspect of the process/discussion.

So in the proposals section of Nextcloud, there is now a folder with three documents:

  • · The draft for the post
  • · Working document with extra info, including everything on functionalities
  • · The survey results

Have a lovely weekend everyone!



As far as I concerned, it is chefs kiss !

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@ChrisM @Sarah @LuciaM , sb feels like launching the poll for the workshop?
I can do it tonight …

ps when we talk about the helping circle we talk about team building and team facilitation, but we forget Lucia!! Sorry

Another thought, we said we want a workshop of half a day, and we want the architects present?
I guess if we do half a day in the weekend, this will be a problem for the architects, if we do half a day in the week, that will be a problem for us?

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Thanks Els!

To be honest, I feel that they wouldn’t need to be there for the whole workshop no? A lot of it is just us deciding what we want to do…
So I think I would invite them only for an 1-1.5h maybe?
In which case they might be ok to come in a weekend? Maybe we can ask them, also saying that we totally understand if they can’t, in which case we do an extra meeting with them in the week? Or during a plenary?


I moved the last two posts over to this thread…

It’s true, although I think everyone knows who’s involved. At some point I expect everyone will want to give us prizes and awards for this task, so when that happens, @lucia can give the acceptance speech :wink:

I think we have to get the workshop happening with as many members as possible, and then see if the architects can be involved in some way. Having said that, it would be good to let them know what our plan is, and if they are open to an hour or two with us one weekend. Could whoever the point person with them is on Team Building contact them about that?

Sorry @Els, I had another task for Team-Finance and couldn’t tackle the poll creation before.
From what I recall the discussion, one of the reason for inviting the architect was for the to help us along our thought process so that we don’t get too carried away ?
Maybe they can even help with the method and facilitating the workshop.
Since the slots are 3h anyways, would it make sense to have them only for 1h-1h30 ?

PS: just in cast it was not obvious from my difficulty in clearly structuring my discourse, I cannot be trusted to facilitate such a high skate workshop, so I am afraid I cannot help much on the facilitating/method part.
I can handle logistics though, in preparation, and on the day itself (if I can attend, depending on the selected time and date)

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I really don’t think we need them for the whole workshop.
If we discuss whether we want an atelier for an extra price, they don’t really need to be there for instance… I don’t think we should make them sit in for something that doesn’t concern them and where they can’t really help us…
And I think having their input might help, but I don’t expect they would actually facilitate the meeting.

But we will let them know we are planning to do that and we’ll see what they come back with…

Also @els can you contact samen huizen about potential tools for facilitating the discussion/choice?

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Hey guys,

I just read the entire document from the survey, and I worry that by setting up a workshop we’ll start again from square one.

Reading the document it seems to me that there is a lot of convergence, so if you’d be open for input, the way I would do it is first a dedicated meeting among Reeflings, to slowly go through the different spaces that are in the document (multi-purpose room, living room, …) and have a deep discussion about every space. What I would focus on is two things 1) whether we can come up with a more specific and concise description, and 2) the things that one of us would flag as causing heartbreak if it wouldn’t be there.

Once we have done that, we could invite the architects, and maybe just do some drawing, scribbling and discussing different options with them?

Another worry I have is about the budget, and the lack of clarity on the baseline for the 10% safety margin.This point I’ll bring up in a post during the weekend, or else at the Coordination Group meeting.

A final worry is about participation, which is a more general worry that I’ll also bring up elsewhere. My worry is that I would like to use time as efficiently as possible, and that I am not sure about how much time and energy we should invest in hearing from exploring and associate members, given that the uncertainty about whether they will be joining is still quite high. The way things are looking it could well happen that there may be more associate members than full members, which would not work for me.

hi @Sarah @ChrisM @LuciaM (lucia, did i understand it correctly that you prefer to withdraw from the group. A ‘no’ or a ‘yes’ is both fine)
i’ve written to samenhuizen and i got an answer already (=> protonmail).
Didn’t really read it in detail, but what i’ve understood:

  • they send an idea for a workshop (one of the docs in attachment, which is in english)
  • they could facilitate: 100 euro + transportation costs. He can do it himself, and he gave some other names who might be willing to do this…

Let’s talk on sunday!!! and see you tomorrow

=> i’ve read the workshop sheet, and i don’t think it’s of any use of us. It’s to establish the musts/nice to have/… what we allready did…

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No, I would like to continue helping you, if you need my help.
I wanted to say that I am not very good at facilitating things :slight_smile:
Considering the current course of events, is the meeting this Sunday still on ?

you’re not the only one :slight_smile:

i would say definately!

Hi all!

I also received and answer from habitat et participation, which I also forwarded to the mailbox.

She suggested joining for visits (which we were gonna do for exploring and associates anyway) and shared a book, but I’m not sure that’s helpful.
She also shared a post-it facilitation process. Quite simple, but might be useful? “cet outil a l’avantage d’obliger les participants à prendre connaissance des réflexions des autres participants, et de clarifier les points communs, les éléments à discuter et les freins majeurs en terme de mutualisation”.
I asked an extra question about finding somebody for facilitating in case we want to go that route, but she hasn’t gotten back to me yet.

Let’s talk about it tomorrow!


Nobody wants that, least of all the helping circle :slight_smile:

That’s pretty much the plan, although in accordance with the architects request, to shift our description from description/hierarchy of space to description/hierarchy of function.

Our position is that all things to do with money and budget fall beyond the scope of this helping circle, although the resolution and clarity regarding these issues will greatly affect the common spaces discussion. I’ll say something about this at the Coordination Group meeting on Wednesday…

We talked about this in the helping circle, and we agree that it doesn’t make sense to include Exploring Members in this meeting/workshop, for exactly the reasons you mention. We’ve also chosen the date when the most Full Members possible can be present. But we disagree about the participation of the current Associate Members. There is much less uncertainty and much more commitment and participation with the current group than there ever has been previously, and their input to discussions has proven to be very constructive. However, I think that everyone understands that when it comes time to making proposals or decisions, or creating priorities, it is the group of Full Members at that particular time that does so…
