Common spaces helping circle - June 2024

@ChrisM @els : as discussed, team building is proposing to do a helping circle on common spaces, to be able to move forward at the next plenary (@Lee : right? It seems like it needs to be a topic rather soon, but I don’t know if you have something different in mind?)
Could you fill in the poll below so that we get together and talk about it?

  • Sunday 9/6 afternoon
  • Sunday 9/6 evening
  • Monday 10/6
  • Wednesday 12/6
  • Thursday 13/6
0 voters

Also, @reef-finance, we have been thinking that it would be helpful for this process if we can have more clarity on the 2-4% participation of newer members. Namely how can we use the money and more specifically, can we use it for common spaces? And if so, what’s the most conservative estimate for the amount of money we could count on?
Is it foreseen to discuss this at the next plenary? Also tagging @Lee on this…


Hi @Sarah. Thanks for that. It would indeed be great if we could talk about this at one of the June plenaries. Did the architects say anything about the format that we would need for our common spaces programme?


It was asked at a previous occasion: excel is fine, with all the info they indicated they want… (or you mean sth else by format?)

Also tagging @LuciaM who might like to join! See the poll above!

hi all, the names were added, it’s in the file name…

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Hello Sarah, yes this is indeed a proposal in the making which we aim to put forward at the next plenary.


This is a different discussion. The 2-4% has the goals of

  1. Fairly rewarding early movers.
  2. Incentivizing future members to not wait, but commit early.

None of this is about how to use the money. I don’t think it is a Team Finance discussion at all. The extra money simply goes into a common pot, and it is for the group as a whole, not Team Finance, to decide how to use it.

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Ok, so maybe something to include in the discussion of the common spaces then… we’ll take it into account…

@ChrisM @els @LuciaM : how about Sunday 9 evening at 6.30pm for a meeting then? We can do it at our place if you’d like, or online (or feel free to suggest something else). What do you prefer?

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Ok for me. I need to be in St Guidon neighbourhood anyway on sunday afternoon (as i need to go voting for a friend living in st guidon), so i prefer life…

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Ok for me, no preference for location or medium.

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So let’s do it at our place, as Els is over this way and Lucia is good either way… :slight_smile:


Hi @els, @LuciaM and @Sarah !

I hoped to have time today to write the first draft for the next common spaces thread, but it didn’t work out that way. I will have time to do it tomorrow morning though, so expect a ping then… :slight_smile:


hi helping circle (@ChrisM @LuciaM @Sarah ),

we got answers on our ‘left-over’ questions from the architects (see link below). i read two things that might be important to tackle with our helping circle:

  1. they want rather a list of ‘common functions’ as input then ‘common spaces’
  2. there is now 1 elevator foreseen , in the front building. An extra one would be 70.000 (more or less) and will mean giving up 25 m2 per elevator => i think for the plenary of the 1st of July, i think we should also need to know if we stick to 1 elevator or not, as it’s part of the commons…


Hi @els, @LuciaM and @Sarah !

I have written the first draft for the next common spaces thread (Login – Nextcloud). In the end, I’ve done it as an overview of where we’re at, because there is so much info in various places now. I have also tried to focus in on the main questions that the whole group need to address, as jumping off point for the next plenaries.

At the end of the document, you will find some notes that I’ve copied and pasted from Nextcloud and Edgeryders threads that are relevant.

All feedback welcome!

Ideally, we can get this post up by the end of the week, so that people can engage with it over the weekend before the plenary on Monday…



So 2 extra elevators would mean about one studio/ one bedroom apartment less.

That reminds me that I meant to mention that in the post. Going to add that in tomorrow…

I’m working on your draft at the moment. Will add it if I have the time

Good morning, I have worked on Chris’ draft.

I personally feel that the decision has to be grounded on solid elements, so I rather put everything that I had on my mind about this part of the construction. But please feel free to remove everything that might be too detailed, or restructure it to make it more digestible.
Have a great day.

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fyi (@ChrisM , @LuciaM , @Sarah ), these are the results of the commons spaces - without seb/alin/caro/quentin. I don’t know if it’s important to base ourselves on this, as the high level result doesn’t really change (so would just keep it like that):

also made a file, where we can simulate how much money we will get from the later full members, it allows playing with the 2%, 4% and the number of left full members joining before january or after december…