Common spaces helping circle - June 2024

Hi Chris, thank you ( you and Sarah) for the work. I am heading of to the sheep, and once I am back it’s heading off to Jette, I trust you did a great job, and certainly good enough to launch, so go ahead

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Good morning,
Indeed, perfect is the enemy of good.
At what time snd where do we meet with the helping circle today?

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Great!! We finally got there!
I we can (our group) be proud of ourselves!

We’re thinking we keep it light this time, in view of the fact that we don’t have the survey results (and also that this f’ing survey is probably spilling out everybody’s eyes (french litteral translation, probably doesn’t make sense! :sweat_smile:).
So how about we isolate ourselves somewhere in the park around 5.30-6pm and have a chat? @joannes does that work for you too?
We might need to have an online chat once we get the results though :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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I would also like to keep it simple today, and use it more as a brainstorming session than a planning session. This is partly because there is a plenary discussion about the common spaces tomorrow that might influence our thinking for the workshop. I’m not sure the survey results will affect us much in terms of structure, but maybe. So if we think about the workshop in general terms today (whilst sipping a beer in a sunny park space, hopefully), then perhaps we can have another short online meeting during the week to finalise the details…

Fyi: you have lifts for staircases where wheelchairs can go on

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@ChrisM @Sarah @LuciaM ,

i put the output of the second survey in a more readable format: Login – Nextcloud


@els @LuciaM @Sarah @joannes

Hi all !

For the workshop on Saturday, I’m inclined to hand the facilitation of it over to Joannes for his storytelling approach, with us acting as assistants for group work etc… I think this for two reasons:

  • We’ve got about as much info as we need for the moment regarding functions from the survey. If we need to do something later with regard to hierarchy, we can do it with a proposal online or at one of the next plenaries.
  • And after last nights plenary, the way that Joannes talked about creating his own common spaces, following on from Alberto’s presentation and the subsequent reaction round, leads me to think that he is the best person to ‘take the reigns’ (take charge) for this one.

So obviously this is a group decision from the helping circle, so feel free to disagree if you think I’m not seeing it clearly. Having spoken to everyone recently, I’m going to assume that we are in agreement for the moment, and push on by asking Joannes a few questions.


  • In light of last night’s discussion, do you still think that your storytelling approach is a constructive next step?
  • Can you do your thing in 3 hours? We are currently scheduled for 9h to 13h, but quite a few people would prefer to start at 10h…
  • And what can we do to help, either leading up to it, or on the day?


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i am all for!

Good morning,
I am on the same page. I am available Thursday and Friday evening for a short online meeting if necessary.
For workshop specific issues, an alternative is to do this also early Saturday (?) - before the start of the workshop ?
Insofar as the results to the survey are concerned, do we have an idea on how we want to handle that ?
I assumed we would summarize the results and mobilize them at the workshop, but maybe @joannes can confirm if it is the right approach.

I let Joannes answer …
Aside from the workshop, i am planning to see what could go in the multipurpose room, how big it should be, how important the things are not fitting in the multipurpose room. What people think of contributing extra…

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@els @LuciaM @Sarah @ChrisM
Good evening, here are some answers, in bulk:

  • I can facilitate, indeed
  • We must process the results of the survey ahead of the workshop and present the results at its start
  • I’m available Thu or Fri evening. Ideally Thursday so I have time to turn decisions into workshop materials. Saturday morning is certainly too late.
  • I think the storytelling approach is right.
  • Let’s start at 10.
  • You can help by constructing with me the best approach on Thursday evening. I will also need one facilitator per break-out group. This person can be part of the group, and reports to the plenary at the end of each cycle. I hope to fit in three cycles … (1. storytelling, 2. moments of truth & 3. specification to architects)
  • I’m thrilled.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
you are a game changer , not that i don’t appreciate the input of the others, but you make me feel excited again about this topic

fyi, i am continue to work on the excel i mentionned above to make it a bit more speaking the results…

i am ok for thursday as well, @Sarah @ChrisM : ok for you?

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Thanks @joannes !

It sounds like Thursday evening is the time to have an online meeting about the workshop. I’m going to say 19h30, just to get the ball rolling, but I’m pretty much free all evening if anyone want to propose a different time…

It’s settled that we start at 10am on Saturday. After the Thursday meeting we can make a post and tag everyone who has indicated that they will be involved, to let them know the time and give a preview of what to expect.

Im happy to be an assistant facilitator for break-out groups.

I’m about to remind everyone that the deadline for the survey is tonight, and say Thursday lunchtime at the latest. I don’t think the data will need much analysis to present the results, as the Google form seems to do most of the work. Can someone volunteer to have a look at the results on Friday and be ready to present them to the workshop group on Saturday morning?

Me too :slight_smile:

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I don’t think I could do that for the whole survey
Els seems to have a good method about studying things from the multipurpose angle, which is probably the most important one.

So I think it leaves

  • identifying items that may be contentious (ie the ones were there is not a clear majority on some items)
  • Reading people’s comments to see what we can make of it, and have a look at the answers for each space to see if there are things that stands out or differences that would be worth claryfying
  • Other?

Unless somebody has the time and energy to do it all, maybe we each take some of the functions ?And @els if you see you have exausted some functions and they don’t need a second look maybe you let us know?

Also I think it would be important to make separate analysis for the group as a whole and for full members only.

And sharing Els’ enthusiasme about joannes joining!

I would have about two hours tomorrow, starting from about 3-3:30, that I could use for having a look at the results of the survey. Let me know how what parts to cover.

i am not absolutely against, but i read in the comments of lee to eg see the mezzanine in l’echappée (or is that for the afternoon), to have an idea how it feels/looks, and if we would do that, than we’ll easily ‘loose’ 0,5 hour. But if Joannes thinks it’s doable, it’s ok for me

have a look at the file i made, i added ‘pie’ sharts to make it more visual on if there is a majority or where the majority leans to.
What i absolutely didn’t do, is the comments, i just focussed (for now) on making the multiple choice questions more visible in charts.
I will still need to update the figures with the people filling in the survey after a certain moment, but that shouldn’t take long.
I can still do some stuff maybe on friday (but also maybe a meeting on the contract with architects coming)

The mezzanine is within touching distance of our meeting place, so it shouldn’t take long to have a look at it, perhaps even before we start. I think there is a tour of l’echappée afterwards at 13h, to which the Exploring Members are invited…

We can talk about what to do with the data and how to present it when we meet. See you all soon…

Hi peeps!

So sorry about last night!! I was exhausted coming back from work and had an unplanned 1.5h nap :flushed:
Very sorry (although I hear things went super smoothly!).

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@joannes : i am writing down my summary, and i think the presentation will take 5 minutes, not more.
@ChrisM , joannes, @Sarah @LuciaM : went to the comments, several ‘thank you’s’ to our helping circle :slight_smile: and i think nothing to mention specifically except for one, which i don’t know what to do with, (tomorrow or later):
Lie: I don’t want to push for a certain strategy as regards the Reeflings’ common living room, and I see the argument in favour of putting all common spaces together, but I think it’s important that the ground floor of Obelix is the place in The Reef with the least sunlight, and the street facing part of Asterix will have sunlight the entire afternoon. So at some point I would like to talk about this. => i guess there might be space to raise it during the workshop (if i remember well), but i don’t think Lie will joining us tomorrow…